What do you do at the weekends?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Thought I'd ask you all what you get up to on a friday/saturday night whilst pregnant?
I love going to the pub occasionally with friends but HATE being around people who are drinking if I'm not, so have been having lots of nights at home instead, using every excuse under the sun, haha (i'm sure friends have guessed!)

Also I went shopping today and decided to walk into town with OH for a bit of exercise, but after I got home I felt well and truly wiped out! Had to go and have a 3-hour nap!
I don't do anything. Literally sit in day in day out i feel like banging my head against the walls lol x
during the week at night im in by time i finish work just wanna chill, the odd Sat oh and i go out cinema or food. We've met up with friends a few times but since ive been pregnant ive not been asked out as much hahaha my friends think im unable to go out since pregnant lol id prob not bother tbh no clothes and constant heartburn just now lol. I have a child already so use to not being out all the time x
Well every saturday me, my daughter and my mum all go to my nans (the lovely 4 generations) and my nan cooks us a lovely roast..then we go for a wonder round the shops.. (OH plays football on a saturday) so then i come home, do housework and wait for OH to come back.. then we just order a take-away and watch saturday night t.v/film and once a month we normally go for a night out... but since ive got pregnant i havent been for a night out, i just cant be doing with all the loud mouths, drunken people falling into me.. im not going to risk anything! (too tired to be out till early hours of the morning) so that is basically what i do on a saturday.... BORING :)
Hmm pretty much nothing as well. used to be out every weekend, now its just going out to family things. It was nice but its starting to do my head in now!
We don't ever really go out at night, so the pregnancy hasn't changed that lol

Generally on Saturday mornings I go to tesco and sometimes round town fr a couple of hours while hubby is at work, then I come home and make late lunch/earl dinner for him getting home, then we tend to do house things in the afternoon and rent a movie at night
Then Sunday's we try and do something, sometimes we go somewhere pretty for a walk with the dog, or we go to the movies etc then we have a tasty roast mmmmm yum
I usually visit my mum or have visitors. This weekend mum has been helping me strip wallpaper in what will be babys room. I'm busy most of the time. Wouldn't want to go.out on nights out, its boring watching other ppl get drunk lol. X

I get really bored being stuck in at weekends - and if I have nothing to do, I end up taking the dog out, and walking for miles!
This weekend though, I went to a 80's wekeend at butlins, and it was fab! Im one of these nutters that can dress up, and dance, sober as a judge!
Im then up in London for a long weekend next week, doing various bits and bobs..
Im still trying to keep quite social, coz I enjoy going out and seeing everyone still, and I think my friends apprechiate the fact im making an effort.
Same thing I do every weekend, try to take over the world! (All these threads kick off tv references in my head, I must watch too much telly)

Nah really, I nearly always spend Friday nights in the house, even when not pregnant, as knackered after week at work and like to chill out with tv. On a Saturday night I often stopped in before anyway, now nearly always do - it's all I can be arsed to do thought, don't feel like I'm missing out. I feel like I have no time to myself in the week so I love my weekends to just potter and please myself. Very rock and roll!
This year I put my foot down and said I wasn't going to anything I didn't desperately want to, and that I don't think I'd manage.

Specially now I've got rather bad SPD, it's making it difficult - I already tend to use a stick to get around with.

However, I spent last weekend in Shoreham-by-Sea (near Brighton) in the hippy bus with my bloke, because there was a mini beerfest on, and our favourite punk poet Attila the Stockbroker, was putting a few bands on, and compering inbetween.

So on fri night I was seeing Chris T-T, and The Piranhas (who remembers The Piranhas, they had the hit with Tom Hark - go google for a cheer up) and on sat night it was Joseph Porter, Anal Beard and I left to retire before Fish Brothers came on - shame, I'd not seen their singer in 6 years, we used to be mates.

This weekend coming, my toddler and stepson are staying, so we'll be in with the kids. The following weekend, it's a 'Hobbit meet' - it's to do with a band we're big into and a huge group of friends we like to see. It involves a pub but it's cool, and if my mate is going, she's tee-total so I'll not be alone.

I've also been travelling to Birmingham and Cambs, to visit friends at the weekends, or if I'm home then we end up at the cinema with the kids. After the Hobbit meet, my best friend is coming home with us for the week, for a change - nice to have someone visit me for a change.

I'm just trying to do a few things that are slowly becoming harder, while I still can. I won't do any London gigs anymore because all the rushing about makes me feel ill and causes me a lot of stress.

I'm hoping more people will come see me now, because I've no friends in Wales and I get so terribly sad and bored.
I spend a lot more time with my OH now that im pregnant. Its nice to let him pamper me and just chill out most evenings.

I go into town every weekend to window shop or have lunch or just go to the library or something cos i think its important to get out and about!

This Sat im going to the cinema and then for 'Mocktails" with a friend and the on Sunday me and OH are going to see his family in west wales - we like to hang out with his brother and his borthers girlfriend who have a little 11 month yr old girl :) x

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