what do you call LO

We have a few for Elizabeth

Lizzie Boo
The Boo
Ellie (FIL uses this for various reasons)

Hopefully she will know her name at some point!! She is only 4 weeks so not too worries yet.
Gracie grumps
Little Mrs
Farty McFarty
We call Angel Angel Pie, Angel Whip, Angel Delight, baba, bopbop, princess, chubbs, rascal :) xx
Jacob - Jakey, jakeycub, sausage, gorgeous, beautiful, little man, bubba, snugglebum, snuggle monkey, sweet pea, mr delicious ...there are a few I can think of ATM ;)x

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Everyone has such cute nicknames for their LOs!

Caleb gets called by his name mostly by OH, I call him: Baby Boo Boo, Monster, Monkey, Cub or Cubbie. Or I call him Sammy J because his middle name is Samuel.

He does turn round when you say his name, but most of the time he ignores me because he's too busy doing other things! xx
Ella gets;

Freya gets bubba, little one, bugalugs, poppet, baby girl, sweet pea, ginger nut, gorgeous girl. Bugalugs is my fav!
Leandro gets leo a lot. Most people call him that. I call him my little podge podge, podge podge, chubba lubs, smelly bum bum when ha done a poo, my beautiful baby boy, Mr Mr, my sis calls him stupid head, my mum calls him boonjygoonoo-duno spelling lol and oh calls him munchkin x
William gets called Will, Wills, Willy :oooo: silly willy :oooo: OH calls him little piggy and I call him prince William :lol: ..coz he is a little prince :love: xx
Cameron gets, Cam, Campeano, baby, little boy, buddy, big boy, little fella and wee man!
joshua: joshuawari naan bread, joshy, j, j man,stinky bum, squishy, squashy, squishy squashy, munchkin, josh, xx he deffo knows his name though x
Noah gets NoNo most of the time and his daddy calls him NoNos buh jojos, but he also gets noodles, noodlepops, noodlefacemendoza, boy child, the boy, little varmint, and bugalugs!
I like to call him Teddy, teddy bear, or Little Ted as his middle name is Edward and he's such a cuddly boy just like a toy teddy! I use his name a lot though too and Kye for short. We also use cheeky monkey, pumpkin, chubs, little man, and hubby uses grisler a lot when he's grump, I don't though cos I don't like it!
Long as you say their name their name a lot too they will know who they are, Kynon seems to turn to his name, or it could be just my voice lol! I'm sure after a while one or two names stick and they grow up with these.
Sophia is Phia, Phi Phi (Fifi) , Missy Moo, Smiler, Chubba, Chunky butt, Flowertot, little miss the list goes on!! We mostly use her full name, or Phia. My Grace calls her Fifi mostly :)

Grace is known as Gracie, Gracie boo, Boo boo, skinny minnie!
Boy, chunka chunk, Picklebum, and smelly bum. :-) xx

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