What do I do now?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2013
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Even though I saw my LOs heartbeat at 7.6 weeks (only measured 7) today we couldn't find our LOs heartbeat at 8.3 weeks :'(

My OH and I are heartbroken, this would of been our first.
I'm not sure what to expect now. I'm bleeding but its not heavy, just a few drops in my pad and when I wipe, but I have horrible cramps and back ache.

What do I do now?
Will I see the baby on my pad? I'm frightened, that would kill me.
How long will it take to be over? I want it to be natural as I have a inverted uterus and I'm scared about having a ERPC, it was painful enough having a transvaginal scan.
How long after all of this is it safe to try again? We both want to try again in a few months, hoping for a rainbow <3
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So sorry :( didn't the hospital send you away with any information?!Have you to return to the hospital?
Big hugs to you, it's an awful thing to go through.
I'm sure you will get your rainbow xx
sorry for you loss, it really is devestating. i had bleeding like you at first, and saw hb at 7+1 but baby was measuring small and i had a bleed in my uterus - given 50% chance of mc. I was told to come back if I started passing clots or things that looked fleshy -not very nice. But the next day I did pass clots and then what I thought was the embryo - i called the hospital and they re-scanned and confirmed sac was empty - the sac then passed out the next day - I only bleed for 5 days and only cramped on the day before the embryo passed and the day the sac passed - as soon as everything had come away the cramping stopped.

If you need to ask anything else or worried about anything then post on here as all the ladies are fantastic support :)
So sorry :( didn't the hospital send you away with any information?!Have you to return to the hospital?
Big hugs to you, it's an awful thing to go through.
I'm sure you will get your rainbow xx

I was given a big wad of paper, but it only explains about why a m/c my occur and what a ERPC is. So I'm not sure what to expect and at the scan my head was so all over the place I didn't ask any questions.

sorry for you loss, it really is devestating. i had bleeding like you at first, and saw hb at 7+1 but baby was measuring small and i had a bleed in my uterus - given 50% chance of mc. I was told to come back if I started passing clots or things that looked fleshy -not very nice. But the next day I did pass clots and then what I thought was the embryo - i called the hospital and they re-scanned and confirmed sac was empty - the sac then passed out the next day - I only bleed for 5 days and only cramped on the day before the embryo passed and the day the sac passed - as soon as everything had come away the cramping stopped.

If you need to ask anything else or worried about anything then post on here as all the ladies are fantastic support :)

For the last week I knew something was wrong but I was told by my midwife that it was normal. Its even worse knowing that is was alive, heart pounding and then all of a sudden its not there any more. I'm terrified of seeing the embryo, it doesn't seem right to just flush it :(
:( absolutely I'm sure you wouldn't have been in the frame of mind to ask questions.So sorry Kloe xxx
Sending u (((hugs))) x x x
I had a mc at 7wks last Nov :-( mine started off the same as you and then about 24hrs later
I had lots of large grape size clots and what I thought was the baby and I panicked and flushed it away. I regret flushing it away but I wasn't thinking straight.
My bleeding was heavy for 2 days and tailed off over a couple of weeks. Pain lasted a couple days. Everyone is different so it's hard to say what exactly will happen.
We are all here if you need us. This forum really helped me through, everyone is fab!
Once again sending (((hugs))) if you need anything msg me :)
Nicola x x x
Sorry for your loss honey!!! I had a natural mc at 7 weeks and I bled, had cramps and a few clots. Make sure you take care of yourself!!
So sorry to hear this, the cramps might last for a few days unfortunately, as the girls say you will probably notice quite a few clots but hopefully they won't be recognisable. Some of my worst was large clots of blood only but it was the worst pain. You will get through this even if some days it doesn't feel like it. I was completely traumatised when it happened to me a few weeks ago however once the pain and bleeding stopped (2 weeks all in) I felt so much more able to cope & the nurse said to ttc as soon as possible as after a mc we are at our most fertile. Sending you lots of love & best wishes xxxx
I have a feeling I'm going to need a scrape, I just want it to be over now :( Bleeding very slowly. I have my scan Friday to confirm the M/C, I just hope its all over by then.
When i had a mc i had the scrape so nothing could affect my next pregnancy when i next wanted to try its quick and not painful just wake up with period type pains but they give you paracetemol if needed.. Just bit of info if u wanted to kno what happens also they ask if you want to take ur baby and bury it or they will dispose of it its entirley your choice
Well that's something I'll need to talk about that with the OH. My main fear is my tipped uterus, the sonographer said its very tipped, lots of mixed awnsers online, some say a scrape is fine some say it could scar and make you infertile. I'm probably over thinking things but I can't help being scared.
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Hi hon, I'm sorry for your loss!! I had a missed mc last March, saw the hb at 6+3 and a week later there was no hb anymore!! I didn't find out however until almost 11 weeks so I had no choice but to have an ERPC and it's not so bad!! I have had 4 and then had a hysteroscopy and it was found I had no scarring at all!!

Hope this helps a bit and big hugs to you!! Take care of yourself and pm me anytime if you wish to chat etc x
Yeah they is risks but i took the risk and they said if they teared me they have to cut my belly and i said i am not gettting cut thats for sure so i signed the papers and asoon as i came round from my op i said did evrything go ok can i have kids still and they saod by the look on ur notes yeh everything went fine so i was happy that i knew nothing would affect my new pregnancy etc but you may not need the scrape it all depends on if you pass the baby x
Well the bleeding has started getting thicker so I'm hopeful I'll pass it naturally, I'd rather be at home with my OH for support than in the hands of strangers. If it doesn't happen I may take the risk, I just don't know seeing as I'm fairly young too.
Yeah i understand i was in the situation were i kept getting letters saying i need to have the op cause i wasnt bleeding and it got to the point wjere i refused medical attention so they sent someone to my house to make me understand if i didnt do it i cud end up worse then i was but i would of done it normal but it wasnt working.. When i lost my second to a mc at 15 weeks I refused treatment for 2-3 weeks as i didnt want it to go. But i wish i could of done it normal but 1 the pain 2 i had no option :/ but kloe you will get through it in time. We all hope to announce ur bfp soon
Well I have 4 1/2 days till my scan, I guess I just need to be patient and see what the sonographers verdict is. :x
Just wanted to send you a hug Kloe XX
Aw. Sending you lots of love. So sorry you had to go through this x
I'm really starting to feel it now, I keep thinking I'm ok, but then I just brake down out of nowhere :/
Aw hun its hard i know i didnt want to go anywhere but it will get easier i promise it will never go away but it will get easier. I never thought id smile again but i am smiling now not for the fact i lost them i just think there loving it heaven xx

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