What did your LO eat today?


Ready brek & juice

Some grapes & a fruit slurper

Scrambled egg with bread & butter (won't eat toast), half a banana, a fruit pot & juice

2oz milk and some skips

Pasta bolognese, a yoghurt & juice

3oz milk at bedtime

6oz formula

Peach and raspberry porridge with juice and 4oz formula

Sweet potato, potato and butternut squash mashed with juice and then 5oz of formula before a nap

Asparagus tips (first try and she loves them!) potato croquettes and juice. Fromage frais for dessert.
(planned spag bol but she turned her nose up at it again) :(

4oz formula at bed time
Breakfast 7oz milk
Elevenses Aptimal porridge and 7oz milk
Late lunch 7 oz milk
Late afternoon 5 oz milk
Dinner potato followed by apple and 7oz milk
Yesterday -

b/fast - toast & raisins

Lunch - fruit salad, cheese sandwich, rusk

Dinner - spoonfull of heinz baked beans, a few slices of cheese, 3 mini sausages.

Bottles - 2 during the day - 1 with each nap (morning & afternoon) & a bed bottle. - 3 in total.

Today -

b/fast - toast & raisins & rusk

Lunch - Sliced tomato, sliced apple, raisins

Dinner - potatoes, carrot, turnip, peas & half a chocolate digestive (blame daddy!)

3 bottles - 2 day time 1 bed.

((whats the sweetcorn ring things??))
Everything he laid eyes on!!! Which was too much to name, I'm very surprised he hasn't been sick actually x

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!

Weetabix & juice

A slice of bread with butter & marmite & a fruit pot

Cocktail sausages, cheese cubes, half a banana, a fruit slurper & some juice

4oz milk & some fruit buttons

Chicken, potato, veg & gravy. A yoghurt & some juice

5oz milk at bedtime

Ready brek & juice

A fruit stick & a fruit pot

Tons of cous cous & sweetcorn from the salald bar in pizza hut! and a fruit slurper & juice

5oz milk

Macaroni cheese with ham, a yoghurt & juice

6oz milk at bedtime
Anton had yesterday:
Organix tomato snakcs, cucumber
Organic beef stew
Rest of.the banana+a bit of mummys bread
Toast fingers and scrambled eggs.+ cucumber sticks. Pudding - Heinz biscotti

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yesterday alyssa had a bit of toast with a small amount of butter (half a slice off my breakfast)
a scotch pancake, 2 organix apple ricecakes and a breadstick with a cup of juice.

a petit filou

and a rusk with milk for tea/supper

were only just doing 2 meals a day atm
Yesterday -

b.fast - Plum porridge & 1 slice of toast with low fat spread

lunch - tuna sandwich

snack - 2 twirly cheese & onion crisps - rusk

dinner - baby carrots (nothing else, he was grumpy)

today was
brekkie, half a banana and ready brek

lunch, sausage and toast with a lil bit of pear yoghurt

tea was a taste of carrot mash with a smidge of gravy and a fromage frais cos she wasnt keem on carrot mash lol
Today -

Ready Brek and 1 slice of toast
7oz Milk
Cheesy Pie Ella's Kitchen Sachet, Heinz Biscotti and water
7oz Milk
7oz Milk
Chicken casserole with carrots and butternut squash, tomato organix snack, yoghurt and water
7ox Bedtime Milk

woke up had 8oz bottle
B.peach yogurt and half pot of ella kitchen rice pudding
6oz bottle
L. chicken and butternut squash puree whole jar gummed cucumber pepper slices and tomato quarters
3oz bottle
D.half 7month+ jar chicken and pasta stars and a banana yogurt
2oz bottle at bedtime

didn't take loads of milk today but been told about 50g yogurt is equal to 2oz of milk so in theory she's had about 23oz today with the yogurt added
today Emilia has had 23oz formula
B.porridge with apple and pear puree
L.chicken and veg half a 7+ jar and a whole ella kitchen mango fromage frais
D.chicken and butternut squash pasta half 7+ jar and a ella kitchen banana fromage frais
Yesterday Jack had:

Weetabix & juice

A fruit pot

Peanut butter sandwiches, cheese cubes, banana slices, a fruit slurper & juice

5oz milk & some raisins with chopped apricot

Lasagne, a yoghurt & some juice

4oz milk at bedtime
Keep wondering what fruit slurper is

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Lol tesco's sell them. They're just fruit pots in an Ella's kitchen style pouch thing only alot cheaper because they're tesco's own kids brand! Nothing special but Jack loves them! :) x
Not sure if toddlers are included here but I'll post anyway

Homemade granola with natural yogurt and banana, milk to drink

Dried fruit

Boiled egg with toast, peach slices, water to drink

Two slices of chocolate chip banana bread, milk to drink

Dinner (will be as its in the oven at the minute):
Homemade macaroni cheese with bacon, peas and cauliflower, pear for pudding, juice to drink.
My LO is a toddler, why not?
Sounds yum. I.have been trying to.rest today so today lo had:
Porridge and fruit
Carrot puffs
Veggies, toast, pouch of fruit stuff
Dinner will be a pouch I am afraid. Will put lamd in the slow cooker for tomorrow

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
My LO is a toddler, why not?
Sounds yum. I.have been trying to.rest today so today lo had:
Porridge and fruit
Carrot puffs
Veggies, toast, pouch of fruit stuff
Dinner will be a pouch I am afraid. Will put lamd in the slow cooker for tomorrow

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Cool. Was just checking :)

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