What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

Lewis had Ellas kitchen plum, pair, parsnip and swede I tasted it too cos I thought it'd be gross but it was the tastiest one yet Lewis couldn't get enough. He also had a few bits of my spicy (not hot spicy but tasty spiced) rice. He's doing well.
Can I ask you mums how much milk are your LOs having in a day alongside solids?

My LO has 620mls in a day because I stress about her getting enough calcium for her bones etc and 500-600mls a day is recommended.

Her meals are:

Breakfast - Organix Porridge or 1 Weetabix or she's now tried plain Multigrain Cheerios which she loves. Her 240 mls of milk at this time is drank by her and some used for the cereal.

Snack - Petit filous with 120mls milk

Lunch - Sandwich (could be peanut butter, dairy lea, chicken, cheese) or Beans on Toast or Fish fingers and beans, or a jar of food and a fruit pot and drink of water

Snack - Organix Rice crackers and drink of water

Dinner - Could be a jar of food, or what we're eating such as chicken and pasta and nasn bread etc and drink of water

Bedtime - 240 ml milk

Sometimes she has more milk in the day and snacks are different or changed around but the above is a typical day. I need inspiration for giving her different foods and reassurance that she's getting enough!
Phoebe is having 4 7oz bottles a day. She was on 6 but has dropped 2 bottles. We've only just introduced the third meal. As long as she's having some milk and seems satisfied I'd say its okay :) x
Sophie has had 25oz of milk today, pear porridge for breakfast with some buttery toast and for tea she's had butternut squash purée with some rice pudding for dessert :)
Angel is on 32oz of milk a day in 4 x 8oz bottles.

She's had today one bottle and wheaty flakes for breakfast
I tried her on an Ellas kitchen pouch and gave her the beef stew one, she had half for lunch and half for dinner and some mango and an organix biscuit :) plus about half an ounce of baby juice and about 2oz of water from her beaker :) xx
Today Phoebe had -

Breakfast - Porridge with half a mashed banana in it
Lunch - Pumpkin, Sweetcorn & Peas (Ella's kitchen sachet) she had half of this.
Dinner - Brocolli, Cheese and Potato puree (Homemade)
And an Apple, Plum and Pear Fruit pot
Angel has had a lot for breakfast this morning. I was really confused as to whether or not I should be giving her less milk at each feed or let her drop one naturally. Usually her bottles are around 6am, 10am, 2pm and 6pm and I feed her breakfast at 7/8am, lunch at 12pm and tea 4.30/5pm and found she wasn't taking a lot. It worked out that she was due a bottle at 9am this morning so I held off her breakfast till 8.15 and she had 2 bowls of wheaty flakes (3oz of formula with it), 3 slices of banana and 2 toast fingers, that's loads for her and she only took 4oz of her 8oz bottle so I'm dead chuffed feel like we've made some progress today :) xx
I forgot all about this thread!!

Yesterday Jack had:

Breakfast: A big bowl of ready brek & some water
Milk at 10am - 5oz
Lunch: Broccoli & cauliflower cheese (homemade), a fruit pot and some summer fruit squash
Snack: Cheese spread sandwiches & some peach pieces
Dinner: Sausage, mash, peas, green beans,sweetcorn & gravy (homemade), a fromage frais & some fruit squash - He also had 2 of my king prawns (cooked) to try and gobbled them up!!
Bedtime milk: 6oz

We leave his juice cup lying around all day and he just helps himself. He had about 12oz x
Angel has just had some sweet potato and a carrot crisp stick for lunch, again she only had 6oz so think she's starting to eat more and drop her milk herself :) xx
Angel has just had some sweet potato and a carrot crisp stick for lunch, again she only had 6oz so think she's starting to eat more and drop her milk herself :) xx

I wondered at first whether I should drop any Phoebe's feeds but I think as you say they just do it naturally, they'll let us know if they're having too much or too little :)

Today -

Breakfast - Porridge and mashed banana
Lunch - The rest of her Ella's kitchen sachet - Pumpkin, Sweetcorn and Peas
Snack - Yoghurt
Dinner - Cottage Pie (Jar) and then a whole fruit pot!
Yesterday Jack had:

Breakfast: Baby wheat flakes & some juice
Morning milk: 6oz
Lunch: Scrambled egg & baked beans with bread and butter (chucked the bread but gobbled up the rest!) and a fruit pot & juice
Afternoon snack: Half a banana & some grated cheese
Dinner: Pasta bolognese & a fromage frais & juice
Bedtime milk: 6oz
Yesterday Francesca had:

2 pancakes for breakfast with about 10oz of milk about an hour later (pancakes finger food until she got bored and i had to put it in her mouth for her)

Lunch was quorn sausage and garlic mash with vegetable gravy, with a petit filous afterwards and a heinz biscotti as finger food

Then around 3ish another full bottle of milk plus a bit more, and a bit of what were having for a snack so a bit of a sandwich, fruit etc

Then for tea either something that i have cooked if we have an early tea, usually spagetti bolognaise, pizza or something (we usually have our tea when she is in bed otherwise its carnage) and then a pudding and a biscuit

then milk before bed...

Finger foods we just tend to give them her whenever really just not right before a meal (well i try and stick to this but my OH doesnt :-)
Angel had tropical fruit cereal, a couple of banana slices and 2 x toast fingers and about 7oz of milk for lunch she had mango and banana Ella's kitchen pouch and about 4oz of milk and for tea she had beef casserole with apple and sweet potato (homemade) and banana and apple crumble (half a jar). Shes had a rice cake, cucumber and carrot stick as finger food :) x
Today Jack had:

Breakfast: A big bowl of ready brek & some juice (need to start offering toast again too)
Morning milk: 2oz (didn't want it)
Lunch: Tuna & sweetcorn pasta, a fruit pot & some juice
Afternoon snack: Jam sandwich fingers & some banana
Dinner: Lamb cassarole, a fromage frais & some juice
Bedtimemilk: 6oz
So far she's had tropical fruit breakfast with 3 oz of milk, then a further 4oz of milk, couple slices of banana, for lunch I pureed some banana, mango and apple with about an ounce of milk and for tea tonight it'll probably be an Ellas kitchen pouch, I'm terrible I forgot to take her frozen home cooked stuff out the freezer :( xx
So today, Will had:

7.30 - 5oz milk
8.00 - bowl of porridge
11.00 - 5oz
1.00 - banana rusk which ended with a puke*
3.00 - 6.5oz
5.00 - toast (not much actually eaten)
6.00 - offered bottle only took 1oz
6.15 - pea broccoli and pear ellas whole pack
7.45 - 6oz milk
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Today Jack had:

Breakfast: A whole weetabix & some juice
Morning milk: 4oz
Lunch Sweet potato, tomato & cheese pasta, a fruit pot & some juice
Afternoon snack: Dairylea sandwich fingers & a fruit stick
Dinner: Sausage, mash, veg & gravy, a yoghurt & some juice
Bedtime milk: 4oz
Ooh this thread is good to steal ideas from, I'm forever wondering what to give Ella!

Today she had;

5:30am - 7oz Milk
10:00am - Half a weetabix
11:30am - 5oz Milk
1pm - Rice Pudding and a few milkyway buttons
4:30pm - 4oz Milk
6:45pm - 1/2 Ella's Kitchen Sachet and a whole fromage frais yoghurt & 4oz Milk
7:45pm - 4oz Milk
Alice had
Porridge with apple
Spaghetti and tomato's
4oz milk
coli flower cheese with a peti felu for desert
2 oz to get her to sleep

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