What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

6am 7oz bottle :yay:
9am porridge just a few spoons
12am rice cake n bread stick 3 oz milk
2pm chicken sandwish ate half, grapes and satsuma
3pm 2oz milk
6pm couscous salad, roasted tomatoes with a bit of lamb that he sucked on n half slice garlic bread

I offer beaker with milk n he have sips during the day plus he will still have evenin bottle
4oz milk on waking
breakfast: creamy porridge made with 4oz milk
lunch: sweet potato & parsnip mash, 1 yoghurt, 2 slices mango
dinner: full stage 2 jar pork & apple, 1 yoghurt, 1 mashed banana

9oz bedtime bottle to go!
6oz milk on waking
breakfast:weetabix made with 4oz milk
lunch:shredded chicken with sweet potato& parsnip mash, 2 wedges pear, 1 banana
mid afternoon: yoghurt
dinner: cheesy pasta, mango, yoghurt

9oz milk to go
Brakfast youghurt
Lunch sandwish
Dinner creamy cheese mash n boiled cod
Snack breadstick, banana
6oz milk on waking
breakfast: apple & oat cereal made with 4oz formula
lunch: pasta stars with home made creamy tomato sauce, 1 banana, 2 slices mango, 1 yoghurt
dinner: ellas kitchen stage 2 beef caserole, 1 jar apple and pear pudding (we were out!)

9oz milk to go!
8oz milk
little stars yoghurt
one jar fruity muesli
7oz milk
orange yoghurt dessert
8oz milk

He was teething badly yesterday and wasnt really interested in food so gave him sweet stuff so he would eat more
today marley had:

6oz milk on waking
breakfast: natural yoghurt with half a grated apple, 2oz bottle
lunch: 1 banana, 3 cubes cheese, shredded chicken with mash potatoes. 1 yoghurt
dinner: toast, 3 cherry tomatoes, 2 cubes cheese. (he ate the lot i was so happy!) 2 slices mango, half pear, half grated apple

7oz bottle at bed, will top him up with 2oz later

he's really improving with his finger foods and im getting a little less freaked out about the gagging! he didnt gag at all at dinner and it was his first time with cherry tomatoes too!
Today Tegans had
3 Oz milk with porridge for breakfast
lunch ham sandwich some cucumber, half a Bannana
afternoon 4 Oz bottle
snack rice cake and breadstick
tea quiche, potato and carrot followed by a soya yogurt she ate loads!!
6 Oz milk at bedtime x
its so nice to see what all the babies are eating! ive got some great ideas from this thread! i think i will try marley with quiche and ham too, i havent tried those yet! i think quiche will be a good one to eat!!!!
Tegan loved the quiche and managed it really well x
how old is tegan? i love quiche but i havent eaten it for about a year i dont think?!? will get some tomorrow! non nom. marleys only just grasping finger foods (finally!!), he used to shove it all in at once or sweeze and drop it on the floor, not chew and then choke and gag. now he's actually chomping and breaking bits of with his gums and then swallowing. oh was so impressed when i showed him at dinner tonight!
Well done marley! Noa is improving aswell, he just shoved everything inbefore, now he picks one thing at the time n munching on it. Only thing is when he's finished with a piece he chucks it on the carpet :wall: my hv said I need to up noas diary as he's not drinking as much milk.

Yesterday Noa had only a small amount of food as he was not intrested
Breakfast porridge with cream
Late lunch grilled chicken half avocado
Snacks plum, satsuma, ricecake
18oz milk during day
i think i need to get more dairy into marley too! he has at least 1 yoghurt a day & now he seems to really like cheese which is good!.. im stuck for other ideas though.....
If you're struggling with milk the custard powder is good, unsweetened of course but 2 heaped baby spoons of powder will use 3-4oz of milk and it'll come out at less than a small jars worth :)

I cook cauliflower, either fresh or frozen and add cheese and milk :)

I'm lucky in that my wee man suddenly loves milk again now he has cut his 1st 2 teeth :yay:
i'll give those a go thankyou!!!! and yay for the teeth! =)
It mightn't be very PC for the custard powder but unsweetened its a great way to up the milk and calcium :)
today was:

breakfast 7oz milk (we woke late!)
lunch: weetabix made with 4oz milk & half mashed banana, natural yoghurt with grated apple
dinner: pitta bread, cherry tomatoes, cheese and olives. natural yoghurt with mango slices

9oz bedtime milk around 8ish.
7oz milk
fruit pot
brocolli parsnip and spinach pouch
apple and banana pouch
6oz milk
banana porridge
8oz milk
thanks for the custard powder tip mamafy would never have thought of that, LO loves the custard pots but they can work out quite expensive for 4 little pots, the custard powder will be much cheaper!

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