I was disappointed with my experience. I tried to keep an open mind about it and went to all the classes where they talked about breathing through contractions and all these wonderful natural methods of pain relief. I was looking forward to that 'grab the bag' moment in the middle of the night.
I was induced at 40 weeks and was nowhere near ready. It took three Postyns over 3 days to get me started properly by which time I was already shattered (you cannot sleep in a labour ward in August with mild contractions) and starving as I couldn't eat the grim food.
When it started it STARTED! I'm still peed off at myself how much of a wuss I was. I was in established labour for 25 hours and towards the end had to beg every hour not to be taken to theatre. I was too knackered and numb from epidural to push properly so when Stanley became distressed we had an emergency episiotomy and ventouse.
I had every drug going (some twice!) and they were fab! I got a wonderful baby at the end of it and the memories and shock faded fast. I still feel a little like I was crap at childbirth though, and feel stupidly embarassed and jealous when some women make it look like shelling peas.
I will keep SUCH an open mind in future pregnancies. My labour plan never even came out of my bag and whether we like it or not, up to 25% of births are C-sections, many emergency, and I hear of hardly anyone who gets the water or home birth they desire.
I think it's wonderful so many women here are fighting to give birth at home and I genuinely hope all of you pregnant ladies have positive experiences
Sorry for the huge stream of conciousness, don't know where it came from!