Did you have any symyoms before labour?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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As the title says really..

What were our symtoms if any... and how long after did u go into labour..

My nesting instinct has gone into over drive..
I'm sooooo moody/crying all time (just in last 2days)
Had bloody show on 12th October..
Lost some plus on 13th October..
Since then not much, just odd period pains..
And today keep feeling very sick?

I dont expect baby to be early...
just wondering did you go into spontanious labour, or have sytmoms leading up to it..

Plus what time did you go into labour... most women on here seem to go into labour i the night.. or maybe i just think that hehe xxx
Mine was a spontaneous labour.
I went to bed at 1am, got up twice for the loo, then had my first contraction at 4.25am. I did have a clearout (TMI) during one of the toilet visits. That's the only symptom (either that or the dodgy curry i'd just eaten) Had my bloody show at 5.15am, got to hospital at 6am and had baby at 7.52am.
LisaJ1986 said:
Mine was a spontaneous labour.
I went to bed at 1am, got up twice for the loo, then had my first contraction at 4.25am. I did have a clearout (TMI) during one of the toilet visits. That's the only symptom (either that or the dodgy curry i'd just eaten) Had my bloody show at 5.15am, got to hospital at 6am and had baby at 7.52am.

thanks for reply chick,
i know this might be odd to say but i like the idea of spontaneous labour hehe, as i'm not gettin many symtoms..
i think i've asked u this on another thread (sorry if have) but how far along were u when u had your lil daughter? xx
mine was spontaneous as well!!! jack was born at 36 weeks and 3 days xxxxx
charlotteheys85 said:
LisaJ1986 said:
Mine was a spontaneous labour.
I went to bed at 1am, got up twice for the loo, then had my first contraction at 4.25am. I did have a clearout (TMI) during one of the toilet visits. That's the only symptom (either that or the dodgy curry i'd just eaten) Had my bloody show at 5.15am, got to hospital at 6am and had baby at 7.52am.

thanks for reply chick,

i know this might be odd to say but i like the idea of spontaneous labour hehe, as i'm not gettin many symtoms..
i think i've asked u this on another thread (sorry if have) but how far along were u when u had your lil daughter? xx

10 days overdue :( It is better spontaneous, no wondering what's gonna happen next! Lol
All in one go.

I kinda wish mine would come early too,
thanks for reply chick... lets hope you spontanious girls send me some luck hehe xx

Lisa... 10days O/Due.. you poor thing... but worth the wait hehe :hug: xx
The day I woke up I was in a foul mood... didn't want to talk to anyone, or do anything and if one more person had said any sign yet... I'd have ripped them a new hole... I just wanted to stay in bed... I also felt like sh*t but I had cleaned both bathrooms top to bottom including washing down all the floor to celing tiles... so thought it was that... I actually thought I had a urine infection, went up to the hospital as my MW was there and not at the medical center. Got there, they were going to admit me for testing, but demanded to come home, got home and around 6 ish my waters broke... contractions started a few hours later and lil miss was born at 5am.. :) But I become dead antisocial the day of my labours... :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
The day I woke up I was in a foul mood... didn't want to talk to anyone, or do anything and if one more person had said any sign yet... I'd have ripped them a new hole... I just wanted to stay in bed... I also felt like sh*t but I had cleaned both bathrooms top to bottom including washing down all the floor to celing tiles... so thought it was that... I actually thought I had a urine infection, went up to the hospital as my MW was there and not at the medical center. Got there, they were going to admit me for testing, but demanded to come home, got home and around 6 ish my waters broke... contractions started a few hours later and lil miss was born at 5am.. :) But I become dead antisocial the day of my labours... :rotfl:

thanks for replying hun..
i've been in such a ratty mood since last night really, when friends asking me if free i keep making excuses lol..
(you've just made me want to tydy my bathroom lol) i'm going to go do it after writing this lol..)
Already done my bedroom today, and for some reason washed all the cot bedding again and made cot.. lol..
what made you think you had urine infection? tummy ache?.. xxx
i had slight period type pains for about 2 days before and i was in a bit of a mood, but that was nothing new as my pregnancy hormones made me crabby for the whole 41 weeks i was pregnant.
i went and had reflexology and went to bed and for some reason i just knew i would be in labour that day - i woke up at 5.30ish and lost some plug then contractions started at 7.30am.........louisa was born at 6.31am the following morning.xx
katrina1985 said:
i had slight period type pains for about 2 days before and i was in a bit of a mood, but that was nothing new as my pregnancy hormones made me crabby for the whole 41 weeks i was pregnant.
i went and had reflexology and went to bed and for some reason i just knew i would be in labour that day - i woke up at 5.30ish and lost some plug then contractions started at 7.30am.........louisa was born at 6.31am the following morning.xx

thanks for reply hun, i keep hearing about reflexology helping, what is it? xx
I had a show about a month before my due date and lost bits of plug here and there. Then 2 days after Amber was due I was in slow labour with very mild contractions which were stopping and starting, also had a HUGE clearout and generally felt unwell. Continued in slow labour for a week and then waters broke at around 1 AM, had Amber at 09:07!
charlotteheys85 said:
Squiglet said:
The day I woke up I was in a foul mood... didn't want to talk to anyone, or do anything and if one more person had said any sign yet... I'd have ripped them a new hole... I just wanted to stay in bed... I also felt like sh*t but I had cleaned both bathrooms top to bottom including washing down all the floor to celing tiles... so thought it was that... I actually thought I had a urine infection, went up to the hospital as my MW was there and not at the medical center. Got there, they were going to admit me for testing, but demanded to come home, got home and around 6 ish my waters broke... contractions started a few hours later and lil miss was born at 5am.. :) But I become dead antisocial the day of my labours... :rotfl:

thanks for replying hun..
i've been in such a ratty mood since last night really, when friends asking me if free i keep making excuses lol..
(you've just made me want to tydy my bathroom lol) i'm going to go do it after writing this lol..)
Already done my bedroom today, and for some reason washed all the cot bedding again and made cot.. lol..
what made you think you had urine infection? tummy ache?.. xxx

I just felt achy in my back and pelvis area and very sick... :think: when I went to the hospital I went for monitoring...and was told I was having contractions but I couldn't feel them and as it was my second child I was already 3cm/stretchy 4 dilated and that was normal...but looking back I was probably in early labour to my body knew it wouldn't be long... :D
Wednesday: I had diarrheoa(sp?) and quite a few BH - no pain though! Just a dull period ache.
Thursday: Had my sweep and was told I was 2cm dilated. That evening I started losing my plug because of the sweep and bled a bit with some contractions late that night. I thought I might be in very early labour but wasn't sure so decided I wasn't lol.
Friday (induction day!): Went in to have the first pessary and was told I was already 3.5cm dilated! Started getting contractions, had second pessary and the rest, as they say...

...WAS BLOODY AGONY!!! :rotfl: xx
Thursday- day before due date - (all day) : Dull lower back ache.
Thursday (4pm): Bloody show.
Thursday (6pm): Mild Contractions started.
Contractions came thick & fast from then on.
Friday (11pm): Gave Birth. :D
charlotteheys85 said:
katrina1985 said:
i had slight period type pains for about 2 days before and i was in a bit of a mood, but that was nothing new as my pregnancy hormones made me crabby for the whole 41 weeks i was pregnant.
i went and had reflexology and went to bed and for some reason i just knew i would be in labour that day - i woke up at 5.30ish and lost some plug then contractions started at 7.30am.........louisa was born at 6.31am the following morning.xx

thanks for reply hun, i keep hearing about reflexology helping, what is it? xx
I think am gonna see about makin an appointment for some reflexology cos am hearing quite a few ladies having a session then going into spontaneous labour :D
Fly said:
charlotteheys85 said:
katrina1985 said:
i had slight period type pains for about 2 days before and i was in a bit of a mood, but that was nothing new as my pregnancy hormones made me crabby for the whole 41 weeks i was pregnant.
i went and had reflexology and went to bed and for some reason i just knew i would be in labour that day - i woke up at 5.30ish and lost some plug then contractions started at 7.30am.........louisa was born at 6.31am the following morning.xx

thanks for reply hun, i keep hearing about reflexology helping, what is it? xx
I think am gonna see about makin an appointment for some reflexology cos am hearing quite a few ladies having a session then going into spontaneous labour :D

i know me too, where can u get it done, does it cost alot does anyone know? i'm not miss money bags, but the idea of abit of relaxing time (that might bring on labour) is a def thumbs up for me hehe...

thanks girlies for replys on labour, i'm actually really looking forward to that first contraction hehe...

bt not the last, i heard that really hurts hehe xxx :wall:
woke up and felt a bit of an "aura" just different like i knew something was imminent.
lunchtime felt like a dull heavy feeling deep in my tummy.
7-8pm started getting irregular mini-contractions until 3am, was examined and told not dilated but effaced and it wouldnt be much longer.

pains had stopped. early afternoon felt VERY emotional, think i cried for no reason.
9-10pm pains started up again, regular this time and kept me awake all nite.

10am had show. pains started getting so bad i couldnt speak and had to hold on to something.
1-2pm was examined and told i was 5cm dilated
4.45pm baby was born!
Both my labours were spontaneous without any kind of medical help!! :dance: I was booked for a sweep with both but never got that far. First baby i lost my show and had niggly backache about 11pm on saturday night, went to get checked out at hospital about 2am but was only just starting at 2cm dilated. A few hours later went back to hossy after labouring in the bath at home and my son was born at lunchtime 12.54pm on sunday, he was exactly a week overdue. My second labour went really quickly, had been having very strong BH for days before and huge pressure in my pelvis, and also had the beginnings of a show on monday night/tuesday morning. First real contraction started around 7pm on tuesday evening, called my mum at 8pm to collect my son, got to hospital at 9pm, 8cm dilated :cheer: My daughter was born just about an hour later at 10.10pm!! It was totally the ideal labour :dance: Oh and she arrived just 2 days past her due date x

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