What did you see yourself as when you were a child?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I've just seen a post asking what job you wanted when you were younger so now...

The question is when you were little, what did you imagine life would be like?

I thought I would live on a farm surrounded by lots of animals and have an at-home veterinary business!
The house would be a little thatched cottage and it would be quite modern but homely inside!

I would be married to 'Prince Charming'! (We had a big fairytale wedding with horse and carriage, glass slippers and the HUGEST tiara etc) :rotfl:

I'd have two little blonde children and one more on the way!

My mum and stepdad and gay uncle would live in my house and enjoy their senior years there playing chess and drinking tea!

LMAO! How about all of you?
I dreamt of the fairytale wedding, and was lucky enough to have the wedding of my dreams a couple of years ago (castle, horse & carriage, and my Prince Charming).

Jobwise I wanted to be an International Make-Up Artist and travel the world........I ended up in IT management and although I was lucky enough to travel the world, my jobs were never glamarous!!

Now Im going to be a mum though, and giving up everything else :D
I would be married (big fluffy white wedding) with 5 children and my husband would be tall blonde hair and blue eyes and Irish! We would live in a big pretty house in Somerset like a cottage type house with loads of animals and pets and I would be Elton Johns florist and be rolling in it!!! OHHHH and I would have blonde hair be tall with blue eyes!!!


I have one daughter who is beautiful! I am a florist, my boyfriend(not husband) is Irish but small with brown hair and blue eyes. We live in a town In Cornwall, we don't have any pets. I do Richard and Judy's flowers instead of Elton John lol! I'm 5 foot nothing brown hair and brown eyes lol!

Not everything I imagined but I loooove it!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I think I pretty much answered this. I'd be ruling the world.

If that failed, I'd decided to settle for tying myself to bulldozers in the Amazon/ lying in front of bulldozers in the Amazon/ making daniel lie in front of bulldozers in the Amazon
i was going to be a faerie princess and have beautiful sparkley blonde curls and shimmering pink and blue wings! and my dresses would be silver silk! and i would live in a castle with turrets and towers on top of a hill and have lots of staff and horses!

iv got the faerie princess with beautiful curls now but its not me its millie!
Live in a castle and have a turret room with big windows where I could paint.
Lots of animals.
Lots of kids.
HUGE garden and a lake with an island
I always thought of myself living in a house exactly like my parents, same layout, same furniture! I had 1 girl called Princess (how original! lol). 2 cats and a handsome husband! I am kinda living that life except my daughter is called Aimee not princess, I live in a flat in a scummy area and my husband-to-be is sort of handsome! :rotfl:

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