what causes waters to break?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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does anyone know what makes it happen? Are there hormonal changes, or is it contractions, or the baby just out grows the sac? Maybe a stupid question as per usual :lol: :lol: :lol:
dunno thats got me thinking now :rotfl:

I think its the hormones that bring on the contractions
Two significant things happened on the day mine went 1) Had to have my cat put to sleep and cried bucket loads (had been quite stress-free and emotionally stable for the rest of my pregnancy). 2) Drank my first glass of wine for 9 months

Whether they were factors or not I dont know, I was 39+3 when they broke.
natalie&jake said:
Two significant things happened on the day mine went 1) Had to have my cat put to sleep and cried bucket loads (had been quite stress-free and emotionally stable for the rest of my pregnancy). 2) Drank my first glass of wine for 9 months

Whether they were factors or not I dont know, I was 39+3 when they broke.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

i don't want to put my dog down... but i wouldn't mind a drink :wink: :lol: :lol:
idk i still havent solved the mystery of when mine broke!
as I carried too much fluid they literally went pop as I couldn't get any bigger. The pressure of the baby's head as it starts to move further engaged can also cause it

me - I think its something the babies do and we've just never caught them - I think its a bit like a baby chick fighting its way out of an egg :wink:
It is usually contractions that cause your hind waters to break, as a portion of the amniotic sac is pushed and pressured from contractions and as there's no room, forces them break. It's usually the fore waters that break without you having started contractions. The amniotic sac has a lifespan and generally the sac will tear once it is nearing its end, and they know LO is ready to be born.
I've been wondering this too recently. I'm so worried I am going to go early and if there is any way of avoiding anything happening early I want to know about it.

I even said to Matt last week that i was worried you could bring on your show by straining on the toilet LOL!
When I Went Into Hospital & Was Checked After All My Waters Broke I Was Told The Baby Being So Active Weakened & Broke Mine. Then Her Head Rubbing Bare Against The Cervix Stimulated The Hormones Needed For Contractions To Begin.
I know what made mine break....

A very large crochet hook and a midwife... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
DebbieM said:
How can you be so sure? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Cos I even apologised for peeing myself as the tsunami of amniotic fluid rushed across the bed... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
thats how mine went to, i thought it was a weird but nice feeling haha
I know some people trickle and others gush. I keep telling Matt I reckon I am going to be a gusher and I'm SOOOO scared it's going to happen in the middle of a shop or something. I'd be So embarrassed!
Lol I Gushed BIG STYLE :shock: I Couldnt Understand Where The Hell It Kept Coming From, I Had To Change Trousers 6 Times As I Just kept Gushing From 8pm Friday Until Sunday Night. It Was Ridiculous!
That's meant to be very lucky for a baby to be born in the sac :D
supposed to be more painful though. They say you can never drown if you've been born in sac undamaged
Oh i definatly remember mine going!!! The hook was huge and when the MW did it she hooked my insides first, i remember making her very aware that it wasnt my waters she was hooking!!!! :x
That is a good question! Mine went when i was 37 weeks and 2 days, i got up from my sofa and said either ive just wet myself or the babies coming! Mine completely went sat waiting to see the triage nurse at hospital.I was soaked and even got toilet roll to wipe the seat i was on and the floor. quite funny now. By the time i saw the nurse i said im here as i think my waters have broken but I dont need you to tell me that now

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