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Your honest opinions of Americans and America.

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frangelle said:
SarahH said:
ooooohhhh.... how did I miss this!!!

One comment about the Americans slagging the Canadians.... this happens everywhere that the countries are just joined by a boarder.... here in Scotland we hate the way some of the English think we are just a tiny blob attached to them, :

I slag of wales for humping sheep

JOKE before anyone goes mad!

Hehe!! I am half welsh!!! Plus I am from Aberdeen and Aberdeen football supporters (which I'm not!!) are known as Sheep shaggers!! :rotfl:
SarahH said:
frangelle said:
SarahH said:
ooooohhhh.... how did I miss this!!!

One comment about the Americans slagging the Canadians.... this happens everywhere that the countries are just joined by a boarder.... here in Scotland we hate the way some of the English think we are just a tiny blob attached to them, :

I slag of wales for humping sheep

JOKE before anyone goes mad!

Hehe!! I am half welsh!!! Plus I am from Aberdeen and Aberdeen football supporters (which I'm not!!) are known as Sheep shaggers!! :rotfl:

My OH is half welsh as well...! :rotfl:

GGG is gonna punch me in the head for saying that about wales :?
The Americans I have met and known have always been very friendly and curteous. However I do disagree with a lot of their politics, especially on human rights and environmental issues. And yes most polititians are twats but I think George Bush is a dangerous twat. It frightens me he is such a powerful man.

I was going to go to New York for my 30th but as I will have recently given birth I will have to postphpne but I really want to visit America.
no punches from me lol :lol:

Im half french half australian born in england living in wales - confused yet?

But this is the funny thing about cultural stereotypes - before I moved to Wales 3 years ago I had never even visited, and was convinced that everyone lived in little old cottages and hated the english. Couldnt have been further from the truth! Cardiff city is an amazing place, really on the up with some amazing buildings, amazing people, and such a great atmosphere. Where I live, on the outskirts, is more rural and has an amazing community spirit - a couple weeks ago someone smashed into our parked car at 3am and half the street came out in their dressing gowns to check we were ok, the policeman that came was actually really nice and friendly (not used to that being from kent), when on trains or in queues theres always been someone chatting away and making polite conversation with complete strangers, and I have NEVER felt ostracised for being english - in fact welsh people I talk to are always interested in how I came to Wales and are the friendliest, most open and genuine people I have ever met :)

I think we all stereotype to some extent though, wether we mean to or not, and I think thats the medias fault as far as america goes - we just dont have the same sense of humour so can often find them brash and slapstick wheras I dont think they get our British sarcastic and dry humour :lol:
OingoZoingo said:
I love Canada's image when it comes to the goverment and our army. It's all about peace and loveeee... no weapons of mass destruction for Canadians, hehe. We're like the llittle kids who don't notice our pants are backwards, LOL.

Bush scares me a lot, too. As does Texas.

Boo!!! Did I scare ya?

How can you generalise a whole state (or country for that matter) that you havent probably even been to?!?! I have been to many places in the States and Texas is probably the friendliest one. For a start my hubby is half Texan and all his family live there and you couldn't meet a nicer man.

You are basing that on George W Bush and his cronnys... and as I said before, yes he is an eejit... so was his father but that is his political views you have a problem with.
I beleive all politics is rubbish as they all promise the world to get vote in but never do it.... doesnt matter whether they are rupublican, democatic black, white, fat, thin, hairy or bald.... I dont decide on wheather I like people because they are from X or Y country... I like them for who they are!
SarahH said:
OingoZoingo said:
I love Canada's image when it comes to the goverment and our army. It's all about peace and loveeee... no weapons of mass destruction for Canadians, hehe. We're like the llittle kids who don't notice our pants are backwards, LOL.

Bush scares me a lot, too. As does Texas.

Boo!!! Did I scare ya?

How can you generalise a whole state (or country for that matter) that you havent probably even been to?!?! I have been to many places in the States and Texas is probably the friendliest one. For a start my hubby is half Texan and all his family live there and you could meet a nicer man.

You are basing that on George W Bush and his cronnys... and as I said before, yes he is an eejit... so was his father but that is his political views you have a problem with.
I beleive all politics is rubbish as they all promise the world to get vote in but never do it.... doesnt matter whether they are rupublican, democatic black, white, fat, thin, hairy or bald.... I dont decide on wheather I like people because they are from X or Y country... I like them for who they are!

:clap: Goooooooooooooooooo Sarah! :clap:
OingoZoingo said:
I'm bisexual.
Nuff said.

Whats that got to do with dissing a whole State? Does that mean that you are Bi you have your own rules to slag off people you have never met?!?!

Meh.... so over this convo!
OingoZoingo said:
I'm bisexual.
Nuff said.

I am sorry, I was keeping my big nose out but that has to be the most ignorrant excuse for starting a potentially racist thread I have ever heard!!! :wall:
You know what, I am in an absolutely terrible mood, my OH and I just had a mind blowing arguement, but here it goes.

I dislike Texas for its homophobia. This is not just a stereotype, it is actually very well known to be one of the most homophobic places in North America. Even today, there are MANY people there who are against gay rights.

Yes, I am sure there are plenty of people there who aren't, but there you have it. That's why I find it "scary". As in, to specify, why I wouldn't really want to go there for a holiday. Texas does not LITERALLY scare me. :rotfl: What does scare me about it is the amount of fast food joints, but that has nothing to do with the people themselves - so don't take offense and call me rascist.
OingoZoingo said:
You know what, I am in an absolutely terrible mood, my OH and I just had a mind blowing arguement, but here it goes.

I dislike Texas for its homophobia. This is not just a stereotype, it is actually very well known to be one of the most homophobic places in North America. Even today, there are MANY people there who are against gay rights.

Yes, I am sure there are plenty of people there who aren't, but there you have it. That's why I find it "scary". As in, to specify, why I wouldn't really want to go there for a holiday. Texas does not LITERALLY scare me. :rotfl: What does scare me about it is the amount of fast food joints, but that has nothing to do with the people themselves - so don't take offense and call me rascist.

I think you have just proved my point :roll:
Well, I hope you're happy that I did so for you! It must be amazingly satisfying to know that I have. I am allowed my own opinions just as well as anyone else here. It seems terrible that so many other people have voiced theirs that COULD potentially be taken as racism, but only mine was.

I'm sorry if my posts aren't clear enough, but for the record, they were never meant to offend and I'm certainly not racist. Just because George Bush is a monkey doesn't mean the rest of them are, but statistics prove that they ARE an extremely homophobic nation. I'm not just pulling it out of my crapper.
Well I have many friends there that are in same sex relationships.... some of which are very high up in the law system... not a problem there.

Any state in America has thousands upon thousands of fast food joints.... that is not just Texas.... so there your problem would lie with the whole of the US.... or how about London... loads there, Paris...loads there.

I just think this whole thread is stupid and it is going deeper and deeper in to turning into a racist rant. How would you have liked it if I was to start a thread on "What is you views on Holland or Canada?"

I wont be returning to this thread as I know I will say something I regret and I enjoy this forum too much to be banned.
OingoZoingo said:
You know what, I am in an absolutely terrible mood, my OH and I just had a mind blowing arguement, but here it goes.

I dislike Texas for its homophobia. This is not just a stereotype, it is actually very well known to be one of the most homophobic places in North America. Even today, there are MANY people there who are against gay rights.

Yes, I am sure there are plenty of people there who aren't, but there you have it. That's why I find it "scary". As in, to specify, why I wouldn't really want to go there for a holiday. Texas does not LITERALLY scare me. :rotfl: What does scare me about it is the amount of fast food joints, but that has nothing to do with the people themselves - so don't take offense and call me rascist.

Sarah's hubby is texan and I think you'll find your racist attitude is very offensive...

You get homophobics in every town of every country.

Have you had a bad experinece while visiting texas?
I would like to think that if someone met me they would jugde me on me as a person and not Tony Blair. Know wot I mean.

No, do you know what I mean or does that not make sense.
Oh, god. :roll:

This is my opinion. I dislike a lot about Texas, and that is within my right - just as I have the right to say I hate Detroit, and that in a lot of places there people will cut your hand off for your watch.

It's true. Don't like it, fine.

I have a lot of friends who HAVE been to Texas, and who HAVE had terrible experiences. I have a homosexual friend, rather.

I'm requesting this thread be locked, because I hate the drama. Why not just give me the bloody benefit of the doubt that my words were harmless?
OingoZoingo said:
Oh, god. :roll:

This is my opinion. I dislike a lot about Texas, and that is within my right - just as I have the right to say I hate Detroit, and that in a lot of places there people will cut your hand off for your watch.

It's true. Don't like it, fine.

I have a lot of friends who HAVE been to Texas, and who HAVE had terrible experiences. I have a homosexual friend, rather.

I'm requesting this thread be locked, because I hate the drama. Why not just give me the bloody denefit of the doubt that my words were harmless?

You hate drama yet post comments like that?

YOU have never been to Texas, YOU are judging a country you have never been to, and may I ask what statistics you are referring to? :think:
Nothing I say in this thread is going to be right, now. This arguement will only grow and grow, into general hatred towards me.

I'm sorry, but please stop. This is what I think and no matter how much you bash me over the internet, this is how it is. I love this forum just as much as the rest of us, and I admit making this thread was a bad idea. So let's all abandon it and just stop the useless arguements, alright?

I just want this over, so please.
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