I thought of some more after spending the day together!
* Why is his favourite food in the world, cheese sandwiches with no butter on white cheap bread? I would love to cook more and eat more adventurously, but he'll only eat cr*p from freezer (fish and chips, fishcakes and chips, fishfingers and chips - sensing a theme?) or tinned soup and cheese sandwiches. I was watching Saturday Kitchen today and wished I could cook all the things - I would have a go if I had someone to help me eat it all, who'd appreciate the effort I had gone to!
* He can't change gear
* He can't park the car in a car park (supermarket, Ikea etc) without driving round lots and past lots of empty spaces - then parks about 3 miles from the shop - think he's underconfident in his parking.
* He ALWAYS finds my secret stash of chocolate and sweets
* If he 'does the dishes', he just puts all the dishes in hot soapy water in the bowl, then walks away. I am left to pull them all out of cold greasy water a couple of hours later - I'd rather he just left them on the side - that's a gross job.
I'm sure there's more! Keep 'em coming ladies!
Valentine xxx