what annoys you about your man

The way he shakes his willy after he has been for a wee and it goes all over the floor, and then just leaving it there so when I go for a wee I get wet feet. Oh how delightful it is!

Oh and he gets in major stresses over nothing - ie DD leaving a shoe in the hallway. He is seriously hormonal!
valentine said:
Where do I start? :rotfl:

1. The way he can't do anything for the baby without saying "Valentine, can you come and fill the bath/hold the baby/bring a blanket etc" - how the chuff does he think I manage all day every day on my own, you learn!

2. The way he can't concentrate on two things at once. I can watch the TV, hold a conversation, iron (but choose not too!), answer the phone and eat cake - whereas if the TV is on, he can't hold a conversation.

3. He NEVER wakes up when the baby cries.

I could go on...

But I love lots more about him!

Valentine xxx

these are the exact things that haydens dad does...
he drives me up the wall!!
Hes a lazy feck, never washes pots, hoovers, does anything for him self and his excuse is 'i work allday' Well i look after hope and work at night :roll:
Asks why i dont make him tea every night and when i say why not make me some, well i do offer, yeah once in a blue moon :roll:
Slops when eating his tea
Has really big hair
leaves everything everywhere
when he offers to do things for everyone else but not me
he smells
moans when i ask him to do something
so all in all he is the most annoying man EVER :rotfl:
-Spends most of the time on his computer playing games
-Always critisising me about the way I handle Jake (hes not made of glass :roll: )
-Put the fan on at night then climbs under the duvet :wall:
-loads the dishwasher and expects praise
-He is always horny
-Clips his toenails and leaves the clippings in the case for the clippers for them to fall out all over my lap the next time I go to use it :puke:
-(sometimes) makes himself a cuppa but doesnt ask if I want one
-NEVER makes food
-never says thank you when I cook for him (every night)

Oh gosh, that was quite a few
Reading this post makes me think we should all become lesbians :rotfl:

But then I'm sure we would have a :What does your woman do that annoys you: post! :lol:
Mine would say: Nothing. She is practically perfect in every way!
I love this thread :rotfl: :rotfl:

to add

Always has to be right
Hogs the bathroom
Leaves the toilet lid up
Leaves glasses /cans up stairs
Never cuts his toe nails
Never says pardon when he farts
puts empty bottles back
Nothing my OH does annoys me..and I mean that seriously!

***Shields her face in preparation for all the random objects being thrown in her direction***

Babylicious said:
Mine gets on my nerves as his old job is to wash up and this morning i came down to a full bowl of dirty pots :evil:
i have not the time or the typing energy to liost all the annoying things about my husband :talkhand:
Its not so much that he does fook all housework, he will but only if I list exactly want needs doing. Its more the fact that he is a messy bugger and seems to think that I am here to constantly pick up after him. I'm not his PA :x We've had a fair few rows about this over the last 7 years!! :lol:
he never wants to plan things, everything hes ever done in his whole entire life is left till right at the last minute, where as im quite a planner. he makes comments about my constant list making (which i kinda get because i do it a lot) but then when i plan things he says im bossy!

he also makes light of everything, which is good sometimes, but when youre really upset and hes making jokes it gets annoying

hes got more good qualities than bad though
omg the way he eats he makes funny noises i hate people eating near me anyways but hes either really really nasal when he eats or makes trouht (sp) noises grrrrr
oh he doesnt snore but oes hold his breath while sleeping then let it out loudly grrr
i guess im easily irritated :D
manda xx
a fine example.
im speaking to him on msn at the moemnt because hes in london and i was telling him im retaining a lot of water and he could tell i wasnt best pleased...he said..

R says:
sorry about you being a giant water balloon

R says:
maybe i can pop you when you get here

R says:
or i could get a tap off a beer barrel and jam it up your arse

R says:
that could work
monster_munch said:
Oh and he gets in major stresses over nothing - ie DD leaving a shoe in the hallway. He is seriously hormonal!

Oooo can I add this one to the list too... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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