what annoys you about your man

valentine said:
Sam&Alice said:
9 months and still hasn't changed a dirty nappy :x

You are chuffing kidding - are you married to Gordon Ramsay?

no. he has changed the odd few wee nappies, but even when i got out of having my opp, and could hardly move, i was still 'expected' to change alices pooy bum. Any time he has had her on his own, she hasn't pooped, and when she does she always seems to be with me.

with the off times ive been in hospital over night without alice, he has NEVER done a night feed. i don't mind the whole me being the mum and house keeper role, if i didn't need to go back to work, but i do. I earn (and always have) more than him.

he is currently in bed snooring his head off :roll:
He doesn't listen, I can send him the shop for a loaf and pint of milk and he will come back with a chicken fried rice :wall:
monster_munch said:
The way he shakes his willy after he has been for a wee and it goes all over the floor, and then just leaving it there so when I go for a wee I get wet feet. Oh how delightful it is!!

hhhmmmm so o familiar only my OH "forgets" to life the seat up so not only do i get wet feet but also a wet bottom as he shakes pe all over the seat :puke: :rotfl:

ohh yeah he also has a shower in the evening before bed as while i wait for him to get out i read on the bed....he finds it so funny to come into the bedroom drops his towel and shakes his willy around all over me so i end up coverd in water :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

MEN.............. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
SarahH said:
laetitia85 said:
the only thing i ask him to do is to take the rubbish out but he always leaves it full for 2 or 3 days and then moans when i complain about the smell!

he also doesn't replace the toilet paper roll when it's finished, which is very annoying. or he leaves a little tiny bit on purpose so that i have to change it and not him


Thats a men thing universal!!

yea theres 3 in this house well bungalow. my fiance his brother and his dad. his dad and me only ones who change the toilet roll when it runs out. think its cause their parents always do stuff for them tho.

loads of stuff really lol
god where do i start :roll:
He snores and wakes the whole house up

He watches crap on tv, discovery channel, how its made

He doesnt do any house work at all, when i worked night shift b4 the kids were born i would do 4 12 hr shifts in a row and at the end of them there would be 4 days of dinner dishes in the sink :x

He stinks the toilet out, usually b4 we have visitors :oops:

He expects his pants to make their own way to the washing and get back in his drawer

he switches off when the girls are fighting or kicking off

He does a spread sheet of our money. income, expenditure, and how much we can spend down to the penny

When he is drunk he falls asleep in the toilet

He has the tv up to loud when im in bed

He is never in bed b4 1am

I could go on but i think thats enough, but i would like to point out that i really do think the world of him.
My guy really annoys me because he is just too nice!! I know it sounds mad, but he just wont bitch about anyone even if they've done something to upset him. I am ready to draw blood, but he is like 'Everyone makes mistakes, I'll just keep away from them for a bit' !!!!!!!!!! Drives me mad, I wish he'd just punch someone :rotfl: :rotfl:
lmao this post is hilarious.
However the winner of most hilarous reason why her man annoys her goes to littlelady87 for:
he has big hair
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I must be one of the lucky one because my hubby does all the washing and housework (lol under the thumb!), however i do have to agree with valentines:
1. The way he can't do anything for the baby without saying "Valentine, can you come and fill the bath/hold the baby/bring a blanket etc" - how the chuff does he think I manage all day every day on my own, you learn!

omg this bugs me soooooo much, im always arguing with him about it.

Raynor can you pick her up and put her on the beanbag (when she asleep in his arms :x )....... can you change her nappy (when he's holding her :x )..... put her clothes on (so he can go outside for a fag :x )?

Also how he stays up really late playing computer games because he's not tired (well your not going to frigging get sleepy by slaying people with sword and shooting people with big mchine guns are you :roll:?) then next day moans hes tired and goes back to sleep, even though ive been up with the baby from 7.30 and absolutley knackered!

Also he listen to the tv too loud (but i cant hear it! i think the whole friggin population of china can hear it!)

But i love him really, because he buys me crunchies and chicken wraps from tesco :D .
claire30 said:
He expects his pants to make their own way to the washing and get back in his drawer

We have that one too! Like I look in his pants drawer to see how many are left!!! Heaven forbid he put on a wash load!
:rotfl: @ midna, Im afraid its the other way round in our house but he doesnt mind so I shouldnt really moan about him, but there are a couple of things:

Using my intuition razor after ive asked him a hundred times not to, I wouldnt mind so much if he cleaned it afterwards but every time I go to use it its clogged up with hair and soap scum :wall:

Weeing on toilet seat and floor

Refusing to replace his ancient hairdryer that sounds more like a jumbo jet at 7.30 every morning even though its in the next room.

Being completely oblivious to my sexual advances, even though im not exactly subtle, and then moaning that I never want sex :rotfl: :rotfl:

But he is wonderful in every other way :D
I wish mine would learn where the basket for the dirty washing is. I'm sick of his piles of smelly socks and pants in the bedroom.

I also wish he'd stop biting his toenails whilst watching tv and chucking the bits down the side of the armchair :x
muppetmummy said:
I also wish he'd stop biting his toenails whilst watching tv and chucking the bits down the side of the armchair :x

Men and their toenails are really gruesome aren't they! I don't know how mine can stand to have them so long!
I've accepted most of my OHs stoopid habits. What I haven't managed to change in 12 years is a lost cause :wall: .

Still one that I'm working on
He won't ever FINISH housework :evil: .
He always leaves half the washing up (usually pots and pans) and never wipes the worktops.
He won't pick up stuff before hoovering. He hoovers a square in the middle of the room. Pushes toys out of the way with the hoover, and woe betide any socks / pens left on the floor. We have a through lounge / dining room - same carpet right through and he NEVER hoovers the dining room bit - you can see the stripe.

He used to have a really bad habit of putting his mucky clothes next to the wash basket - it annoyed me even more than him just leaving them in random places. Problem solved by chucking the wash basket at his head the day after we got married :oops: .
everything annoys me about men
they are useless for everything :x

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