what annoys you about your man


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Mine gets on my nerves as his old job is to wash up and this morning i came down to a full bowl of dirty pots :evil:
My OH plays darts :bored: and everytime he comes in i get a blow by blow account of every game i'm like :sleep: :sleep:
:shock: he puts the dairy away last when hes putting shopping away.
he's never here!! :(

But when he is..... he breathes hahaha!! :rotfl:
Where do I start? :rotfl:

1. The way he can't do anything for the baby without saying "Valentine, can you come and fill the bath/hold the baby/bring a blanket etc" - how the chuff does he think I manage all day every day on my own, you learn!

2. The way he can't concentrate on two things at once. I can watch the TV, hold a conversation, iron (but choose not too!), answer the phone and eat cake - whereas if the TV is on, he can't hold a conversation.

3. He NEVER wakes up when the baby cries.

I could go on...

But I love lots more about him!

Valentine xxx
He farts and belches obnoxiously, then laughs. It's NOT funny, it isn't! I am not grossed out by either of them, at all... it's just what people do in nature and everyone does it, BUT WHY DOES HE HAVE TO LAUGH AND THINK IT'S FUNNY, AND THEN DO IT AGAIN JUST TO ANNOY ME??? :wall: What, are we five? SHEESH!
Hmmmm lets see...

1)we have boy/girl bathrooms, but I always end up flushing his toilet for him (its the smell of stale urine that gets me) AND have to clean the fooker, even though I never use it :roll:

2)He snores and keeps elbowing me in the head at night.

3)He NEVER EVER puts his clothes away, even though there are 5 empty draws in the bedroom, which I could be using for my stuff, but he always promises to put all his clothes away (and I mean all his clothes)

4)I have to ask him at least 5 times to do a chore before it's done...and when I get hacked off and do it myself, he tells ME off because I'm "pregnant" and shouldn't be lifting ...duh :roll:

5)His constant need to within 2cm of some electrical, internet capable gadget, and if not, he might just explode. If he had a heroine addiction I would see him more :roll:

6)Chores are always done half hearted and I always need to re do them.

7, 8, 9)He never wants sex (this is a biggy...worth at least 3 points)

10)I hate his choice in music.

11)He never talks to me about things that are troubling him, nor shows any physical attention (but that's very Finnish)

12)He is incapable of bringing his week old coffee cups and plates in from the office, where he has spent every waking hour of his life for the past week.

13)The rubbish is never taken down, even though I leave the bin bags right by the front door so he can't leave the house without touching them to move them.... He just moves them out the way.

14)Oh and his obsessive compulsive nature over how the shower curtain needs to be "just so" so that not a single drop of water touches the floor... THis I could understand IF he actually cleaned the bathroom floor, but he doesn't... I DO!!!

Erm... I have a load more... but I think I'll stop now... :rotfl:

And now everyone is thinking why I married him? Ooo I have lots of those reasons too....

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
valentine said:
Where do I start? :rotfl:

1. The way he can't do anything for the baby without saying "Valentine, can you come and fill the bath/hold the baby/bring a blanket etc" - how the chuff does he think I manage all day every day on my own, you learn!

2. The way he can't concentrate on two things at once. I can watch the TV, hold a conversation, iron (but choose not too!), answer the phone and eat cake - whereas if the TV is on, he can't hold a conversation.

3. He NEVER wakes up when the baby cries.

I could go on...

But I love lots more about him!

Valentine xxx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Your husband is exactly like mine! but tommo likes to have a good moan and groan about it when I get him to do something for her!

I hate though when tommo makes me out to be lazy and bad because as he says "hes been ta work all day" he thinks i it on my arse all day, hmm yeah course i do.
He dont seem to notice the house is clean and tidy, the kids are dressed and clean and dinners done.

Moan over - great thread!
He says oops all the time when he farts. (sure it was an accident)
i spend about 2 hours getting him out of bed.
He wakes me up at stupid hours durin the night for sex lol.
Thinks am being moody if i moan hes with his friends too much.
talks about ex's alot.

oh the list is endless lol
Leaves a teaspoon on the bench when he makes a cuppa 'for next time' :?

Doesn't seem to know that the washing basket is for dirty clothes, not the bathroom floor, bedroom floor etc.

Drives like an arsehole.

Does the washing up but leaves the bits he cant be bothered with such as pans and all the cutlery :roll:

Makes every argument personal - like he cant just argue about the matter in hand, grrrr :evil:

Theres a few more but I cant fault him as a dad...he's amazing! :D
the only thing i ask him to do is to take the rubbish out but he always leaves it full for 2 or 3 days and then moans when i complain about the smell!

he also doesn't replace the toilet paper roll when it's finished, which is very annoying. or he leaves a little tiny bit on purpose so that i have to change it and not him

His MOTHER is the worst thing about him!!! And how he panders to her stupidness!
small things really
1. never putting anything in the bin.. leaving it on the kitchen side for me to throw away..
2. Never pulling the shower curtain so its stretched out.. so there's no chance for mold to grow
3. clogs up the toothpaste tube
4. wees on the toilet seat and never wipes it up
5. when hes sober.. ican barely get him to talk.. but when hes drunk i can't shut him up lol
laetitia85 said:
the only thing i ask him to do is to take the rubbish out but he always leaves it full for 2 or 3 days and then moans when i complain about the smell!

he also doesn't replace the toilet paper roll when it's finished, which is very annoying. or he leaves a little tiny bit on purpose so that i have to change it and not him


Thats a men thing universal!!
valentine said:
1. The way he can't do anything for the baby without saying "Valentine, can you come and fill the bath/hold the baby/bring a blanket etc" - how the chuff does he think I manage all day every day on my own, you learn!

Yep but we have that with fetching tools etc.

Oh and we have the MAN LOOK thing which drives me MAD!
here my list :

1)comes in from work and leaves bag/boots scatterd on the floor where ill trip over them.

2) never wakes when baby wakes at night.

3) farts and burps then laugths at him self.

4) i ask him to go ans settle LO at bed time but i get a lecture on how hard he works.....urrmmm hello try being a mumy 24/7

5) after his shower i find a trail of dirty clothes from the bed room to the bathroom - YES he seems to strip off ON HIS WAY TO the bathroom :shock:

6) he snores so loud i have to wake him up to shut him up :wall:

apart from the above hes lovely :D :rotfl:
makes the most horribliest noise when eating spag bog. :x
picks his toe nails :x
always thinks he is right :x

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