What age would you let LO walk home from school alone?

I think it depends on the maturity of the child. I would say 11-12, depending on their behaviour and the distance they have to walk.
I would probably let Maisy walk to school with friends at 8-9 if we lived up the road from the school. Then again Maisy is only 4 months and when the time comes I will probably end up changing my mind.
Cameron has been walking to school since Primary 4 age 7

Most children at his school walk from about this age although there are some exceptions.
i said 10...but then its a bit different here and a lot of Tia's friends already walk home alone...and Tia whinges at me...:rotfl: mind you shes often away with the fairies so its the whole crossing the road thing that worries me the most... basically Tia can walk home once she gets the hang of crossing the road safely alone... if thats 10/11/12 or 18 I don't care but drivers are nuts here :roll:
I used to walk to and from school at the age of about 10 by myself. Sometimes my mates would walk with me as well but I literally lived down the road from school. The school Aaron will be going to is only down the road but I wouldn't let him go by himself until secondary school.
I haven't voted as there is no option for never!? I was never allowed to walk home from school and I cant imagine ever letting Clark do it, I would rather pick him up any day, even if I end up taking all his mates too!
I am officially all set to become the most over protective mother ever, but my OH and I wouldn't have it any other way!
when Beth & Tom get to 10, year 5, I will think about it in the summer months.

Most of their friends and their parents take the same walk which is along a mainish road, so any misgivings would be easily spotted & I suppose my feelings with this are that there are 2 of them.

I probably will definately let them when they are in year t6 , I think it all depends on your area too :think:
I can't see me ever wanting to let them walk home alone :(

However my plan is to move to Guernsey within 5 years (JP's Mum and Sister live there) in which case I would be much happier to give them more freedom as they are about 30 years behind this country in terms of crime etc.
Weird as i have put 11-12 but i was taking me and my little sister to and from school from about 9-10 years old. (my sister is 4 years younger) - we got the bus too (not a school bus) as my school was about 2 miles away.

I was 'older then my years' etc and was fine.. but i feel it does depend on the child, but i think going into senior school (around 11-12) is genrally a good age.

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