What a bleeding palava!!!!

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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I'm home from my 11am appointment for a presentation scan.....got home at 3pm....:doh:

So in a nutshell:

His tummy 'appears' to be smaller this week on a scan to check if he was breech. I also have increased fluid. They'd be non the wiser if they hadnt wrongly diagnosed him as breech - I wouldnt have been there in the first place!

The consultant sat me down and said she wanted to induce me. :shock: I immediately said no. They agreed the last scan measurements were wrong but as today his tummy is on the 50th and the head the 90th centile they take this that he's not growing properly. I said I wanted them to check the placenta function and said I'd have a sweep but no induction. The sent me for a doppler scan of the cord which took ages because Sid was so active - another sign according to the sonographer (a fellow home and hypno birther :D )that he's doing fine. Cord function was normal. Cervix is 4cm long and closed so no sweep. Consultant ended up being really good when she realised I wasnt about to roll over. She agreed to another scan next friday and said to go away and try to go into labour before then! She said the community MWs might be wary about the home birth when they see all this crap on my notes so she's putting extensive notes on my computer records so they see that she still supports my home birth at this stage. The MW booked me in for a scan next week and said how I was 'lucky' to have seen this particular consultant - apparently the other male one wouldnt have been so accommodating....he needs to be thankful he didnt meet me.....bloody birth fascists.
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Birth fascists indeed! When did they take the rights away from people to have a say in their own care? I think a lot of women would just "roll over" and be "told" when , in fact, there are a lot of things we have a say in - and don't HAVE to listen to the medical profession if we don't bl..dy want to!

I also know for a fact that being induced (not your case, Merv's Mum, but in others) is NOT necessary at 40 wks +1 just because "you've over-run". It can be fine until 43 weeks, in some cases, and as long as the health of the baby is in no danger, then there's no reason to go through an induction.

Good for you for making a stand - and I would SO have loved to have heard you put the "nazi" consultant in his place. I'm glad you didn't have to make a fuss , though, as seriously - got enough on your plate? I think so! :hug:
oh sorry it turned out like that hun, atleast Sid was nice and active eh? :D

can i ask ya summit?? why wud you not want to be induced, is it bad? sorry if im soundin silly lol

Laura - It's not silly to ask hun!

Induction is starting labour artificially ie - when your body isnt ready! Not in all cases, but in many (and in mine with my eldest) induction is much more painful as they are pumping you full of synthetic hormones and making your body do something it's not ready to do. Because they have to pump more hormones in to you to get the womb to contract, it can contract much stronger than it would if it went naturally and build up gradually. So it squeezes the baby more and can make it distressed - this happened in my case too. It was so painful in my case I opted for the epidural which in tirn made my labour much longer as I was unable to be active. i ended up with a forceps delivery but I was lucky as that could have been a section.

I dont want any interference that's not needed. Nature will take it'd course and unless there is a REAL danger to my LO then I want to avoid getting on the intervention rollercoaster.....
glad you stuck to your guns i was induced with my first and it was such a waste of 3 days which resulted in a csection i was just way off being ready good luck with your homebirth
oooo i didnt know all of that hun, thank you :)

hope u get the birth with Sid that you hope for and want.

So sorry I missed all this! Can't believe youre having so many issues. Have they given you any reason why his growth might be behind? From the scan though it sounds positive. :hug:
They cant come up with any reason. The thing is they agreed today that the measurements from the last scan were taken wrong! so they are comparing it with either nothing or an incorrect measurement! I'll believe it when they have something to compare it to.

The internal examination has triggered some strong BH and back pain so you never know.....the consultant said OH needs to get on it this week too.....:bd:
:wall: Not how you planned but at least Sid is head down :love:

Take it as them being crap, done the same on me with KAtie, said she hadn't grown (I was getting weekly/fortnightly scans) so that did have that to guage from but when I went for the doppler test she had grown :)wall:) so I take it as the ones doing the scans are just cr@p and no 2 people will ever get the same results :eh:

Relax, try and chill and get Keith onto his 'night job' :rofl:
I said that to her - how can you really get a good benchmark if they are done by different people.....:wall:
Good on you for saying a big fat NO :yay: knowing what I do now there is no way I would agree either. Im keeping everything crossed that it goes your way - the way it should :hug:
It's 100% true, even when the babies are alot smaller they get it wrong so what hope have they got with a big moving baby at this stage :doh:
I would be concerned if there were a few indicators - you know? Like they weren't going to check the cord function till I said no and I was the one suggesting a sweep before jumping to induction. If the cord had come back dodgy or they said there was less fluid rather than more then yes, they'd have my attention more. But they cant have it both ways. They dont check you for pre eclampsia if you have protein in your urine (like I have had sometimes) but your BP is ok - they want 2 boxes ticked. So to me they had one box half ticked because they couldnt really say for sure there was an issue because they (consultant, registrar, MW and sonographer) that the last scan was botched.
bloody fascists!!like you said you wouldnt have even known if they hadnt said he was breech when he wasnt! glad you told them to get f*cked! you gona get the wedding knickers out again? :lol:
What a day! Thats the only thing that scares me about intervention - they end up 'finding things' and seem to want babies out there and then for no real reason. Glad you denied induction, i went to be induced when i was 16 days over with my first and was so glad to find out i was in labour already, i've heard it is horrible.
Glad you shared your story gives us all extra power to to be able to stand up for ourseves and not be pushed around. Hope OH enjoys his task and sid stays facing the same way x
im glad you stood your ground lovely, bet your ready for bed after a day like that xx
What a nightmare...so glad you saw the consultant you did though, and that he's still head down :yay: Sounds like he's doing perfectly - and if today's scan had been your only one they would have thought so too wouldn't they?! The measurements aren't that accurate anyway. Fools...glad you stood your ground! x
sounds awful hun.... so what are the plans for getting Sid moving apart from the OH?? :hug:
no plans to shift him Rowes! If he's happy there he can stay as long as he wants. It would be nice if he came before they got their mits on me again next week but I do believe he's in the best possible place where he is. He couldnt be safer and he'll come when he's ready. I dont mind accepting the sweeps because they only work if your cervix is ready to do something but that's as far as I'll go. I use evening primrose oil to soften things and I'll carry on with my RLT so my BHs keep coming and giving my uterus a work out but there will be no castor oil etc! Oh I might up the curry intake!

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