Feel so upset (long sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I'm sorry to do this again! I have just been to the hospital to see the consultant, I saw a different doc this time, she said would I like her to do a membrane sweep. I said yes, she said she would have to feel my tummy first etc etc, when she felt baby she said the head is way too high for her to do a sweep and then did a mini scan coz she was concerned the placenta might be low lying. She said the head was lying very awkwardly. When she did the scan she said she thought there was some placenta low down and sent me for a proper scan. the sonographer said my placenta was not in the way so i went back and saw the doc who said I wouldnt beable to have the sweep so booked me in for induction. First I was offered friday then they changed it to sunday. When I asked why the head was lying funny, she said it should come down with a couple of contractions, but this baby has never ever had its head straight in the pelvis, and my last baby had a mild shoulder dystocia when she was born (got a bit stuck), one of the warning signs for this is a high head, because the baby might be too big to fit through the birth canal. The doctor i saw origionally wrote in my notes to watch for this.
I'm frightend something is going to go wrong, I really wanted a water birth but it is seeming very unlikely, and am feeling a bit fobbed off at the moment, I just dont want it to end in an emergancy section. :cry:
Awwww sorry to read this :hug:

Hope you get things how you want them in the end. I know with my first I wanted a water birth but I couldn't because of high blood pressure, then to rub it in, the delivery room I was in was the one with the birth pool!

I'm confused myself as my growth scan (due to my first born being small) showed my baby is 2 weeks bigger than the dating scan - which is incidently the date I first had when I found out I was pregnant! And I keep having contractions so when AM I due?

Keeping everything crossed for ya! :hug:
Im so sorry to hear that Ellie, but with babies heads they sometimes only normally engage when there mums are in labour
I have my fingers crossed for you and hope all goes well.Im sure it will!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time. Its scary for you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
One thing to remember is that second/third babies don't usually engage until labor begins, so let's hope all falls into place naturally. Thinking of ya
mamichuli said:
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time. Its scary for you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
One thing to remember is that second/third babies don't usually engage until labor begins, so let's hope all falls into place naturally. Thinking of ya
Thank you for your kind words, I am concerend really because I have a history of large babies, 8lb 15oz and 9lb 2 oz, and my second daughter had a shoulder dystocia, the head not descending is a sign of this. When Lottie was born she ended up needing help breathing becaue it was traumatic for her. I keep seeing different people, there seems to be no consistency,they tell you they would be concerned if the head was high but dont do anything when it is?
i cant offer advice as i havent been in this situation myself.. just take it easy, and here have a :hug:
sorry hun, cant offer any advice, just wanted to give you a :hug:

You'll be holding your LO soon enough and you'll forget all about this :hug: :hug:

Aww hun im sorry your going through this i really hope it all works out for you .
I myself am worried if i have a natural birth that it will end up ion a emergency section like with Kiara she was large as well :?
Good luck :hug:
I'm sorry to hear the baby is lying awkward Ellie. LO must be really comfy in that position not to want to move.

It's good that the hospital are monitoring you closely and aware of how the baby is laying. They will probably do another scan before they start to induce you to see the latest situation on Sunday.

Try not to worry too much. You know with my first I had high hopes of water birth or squatting birth but ended up having a CS due to my pre-eclampsia. I was a little disappointed at first but the main thing was the baby was fine and delivered without problems to either of us. All I'm trying to say is SHOULD you have a CS it'll be for good reason and I'm sure you'll cope. :hug: Think positive. :hug:
Hi, sorry to read this. :hug:

But as Sabrina says try to focus on the end game... you get a gorgeous baby either way and the doctors are trying to do the best for you, child birth it seems is one of those uncertain things that no one knows exactly how it will pan out so it is understandable to get differing opinions. Just try to relax and go with what ever is best for LO and your health :hug:
Thanks for all your kindness guys, means a lot, jusst feeling really fed up!! I have phoned my community midwife she is coming out to see me tomorrow to answer my questions. I think it's made worse by te fact that I am a student at my local hospital and they all know me there, I dont want to seem like a total hyperchondriac by asking loads of questions. I am not adverse to having a c- section just would like it to be planned and not spprung on me after going through labour. Will keep you updated regarding what she says tomorrow :hug:
Good Luck tomorrow hum, hope she has some answers for you :hug:
Good luck tomorrow at your appointment. Don't feel bad about asking questions because you need to know what's going on.

It might be an idea to ask them (should labour be difficult) if it'd be possible for you to have an epidural set up. That way if you do have to have a CS you'll be ready and able to stay awake through it. Just a thought anyway.

Take care :hug:

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