Well my week just keeps on getting better...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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We have 2 dogs, one of them is very tempremental when there is food around and she has been known to fight with the other one over this, she hasn;t been done and currently in season so can't be, everytime she has done it it's not been anything we can't clear up and monitor behaviour and work on after.

Well tonight that changed, she attacked the other dog for no reason other than she dared to approach daddy for a bit of attention, she just wouldn;t let go and when she did she had put a gaping hole in Skippy's ear which needs stitches and she has bitten OH through his finger (he has to go get a tetanus tommorow he's not happy), we had said all along if she didn't improve after being spayed and seeing the vet about behaviour we would have to get rid of her, as much as it breaks our heart to do.

We have had to do this earlier than expected, she has gone to my mothers where there are no more animals and she can get the attention she is obviously craving, we just cannot have her around Riven when he is born and quite frankly he is more important than she is.

This week just can't get any worse I am sure of it and we are only at the start of it too.....as much as I hate SKye right now it's still really heartbreaking knowing she is gone, but it's the way it has to be.

Sorry for waffling and ranting again ladies, I just feel really down at the moment... :(
Oh no thats awful, you must be terribly upset. I also have two dogs but luckily they get on really well. It would break my heart to have to get rid of one but like you say Riven is more important and you have made the right decision. At least she has gone somewhere you will still be able to see her and you have done your best to help her. Sending you a big hug :hugs:
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I really feel for you! I have two dogs and if I had to give one or both up it would break my heart I love them as if they were part of the family! At least she's with your mum and not a stranger so you can still see her. Keep your chin up!
awww hun must be awful but seems like youve done the right thing x
:( this is very sad but definitely the right decision. big big hugs xxx
Aww thats awful to hear :(, but as the other ladies have said at least shes with your mother and your mother will look after her!

I dont have any dogs as my german shepherd died nearly 3 years ago, getting him put down was the hardest thing i ever had to do :(
You have definitely done the right thing hunny. You would never ever forgive yourself if she had done more damage to your OH, the other dog or God forbid to the baby or Beth. You would be a nervous wreck watching over her all the time. At least you know she has gone somewhere safe and you can still see her. I dunno what breed she is but one of my grandad's Jack Russells went mental with a brain haemorrage and my grandad needed nearly 100 stitches in his arms. He came from a family of breeders and was more than capable of handling them but she still managed to do that much damage. The only people that would help us were the police and they had to shoot her.

Food jealousy is never good in any animal but to attack out of attention jealousy is very dangerous.

I take my hat off to you for being sensible enough to know you can't keep her no matter how much it hurts to let her go, we've all seen the news reports where people haven't been so responsible. :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Awww big ((((hugs)))) hunni, It must have been a hard decision though to send her to your mums, dogs do become part of the family but at the end of the day you have to think about you and your familys saftey as well, hope your okay xxxx

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