Well it hit me today! Give or take ten weeks I'm going to be a mum!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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So ladies I had that scary realisation this morning and it all feels so real! I was sitting in the birthing centre, waiting for my GTT test with midwives floating around and the smell of hospital food in the air and it hit me- in 10 weeks give or take il be there (hopefully) having little man! Did any of u have that moment when it felt so real? I suppose i know I'm preg but hadn't sunk in really! Maybe u still don't feel like it's real yet ? X
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I still don't feel like it's real and got 8 days left!! It's like I don't believe it's going to happen or something haha. Don't think I'll believe it till I actually go into labour! It's scary because time has gone so quick for me, hows it going for you? We will be mummys soon eeep! xx
Yes hun, I've had that too. Infact have had it a few times. Although I'm still not sure its sunk in, don't think it will till I take her home!

I had a moment like that too hun :) but the real OMG THIS IS REAL moment happened when I had went back to my room after the birth, and when the visitors went, it was about 4.30am, the room was quiet, the corridor was quiet and I just sat and stared and stared at him fast asleep in his crib, it was unreal.. I would give anything to get that feeling all over again xxx
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I was like that first time with Lil lad n it only hit me when I had him in the cot next to me

I think it's going to be the same with this one only hit me when she's here x
I totally think u guys r right and the actual birth will be the realisation! But def had a pinch me I'm having a baby moment lol
The moment after the birth, which I had lots of was.... "That's MY baby" :lol: Enjoy it hun it's so special xx
I do get moments of clarity every now and again but most of the time i think im not really gonna believe it until im pushing lol! x
I won't believe it until he's here and probably not until he's been born for a week or so!!
Throughout this entire pregnancy, I feel as though I've been going through the motions getting everything ready and never really thought Oh my God, I'm having an actual baby!! Even writing this doesn't feel real!!!!
Same here - I think I'm in my own little bubble or something, factwise I know it's happening but it still doesn't seem real. I really think I'm in denial.
I'm the same, even though we've been getting organised for baby coming I still can't imagine actually having him here! I think in my head I think I'm gonna be pregnant forever :lol:
I also feel as though this whole experience is surreal. Me - a mum?!??! good grief! I think it will take a while for it to really sink in!

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