Weight loss after pregnancy...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Mums,

I had my second baby 8 weeks ago....should my weight be back to normal or will it take longer? I have lost about a stone since the birth. I am doing weight watchers at home and the weight is very slowly coming off. I am also going to the gym - when I can! I just thought it would be alot quicker!

The main problem area is a band of flesh around my middle (where my bump used to be!). It is really getting on my nerves that I can't fit into all the lovely clothes I bought to wear after the pregnancy....

A very small problem I know, but just getting me down! I am also sure that my DH is not interested in me (sexually) cos of my weight!

Julia xxx
8 weeks is nothing hun!! Don't even think about weight whilst your baby is still so young, just spend time enjoying your baby cos they grow too fast! With my son it took me ages to get back into shape and even then I wasn't the same shape I was pre pregnancy. With my daughter it was slightly easier, mainly because I didn't put on much weight due to running around after my son and working and then I breastfed her so the weight dropped off but I still look saggy! Take plenty of time hun, 9 months to put it on at least 9 to get it off!

If your hubby ain't interested because you've changed weight wise then he needs a kick up the bum because you've given him a beautiful baby and he needs to realise you'll look different!
Thanks so much for your supportive reply,

My hubby has not said about my weight - it is probably my imagination. He is always encouraging me to go to the gym and therefore I feel he does not like my body.

Pre pregnancy I was always toned and a size 10. I am now wobbly and size 12 / 14. This has knocked my confidence. BUT I am determined to get my figure back.....

Julia xx
You'll get there hun! Just try not to stress yourself too much about weight because you have plenty of time to shift the weight and it will gradually come off! Walking is a brill way to get back into shape, it's good for you and for the baby. I walk everywhere with the pushchair and if I'm feeling a bit down it also really clears my head. I try to do sit ups as well but with two kids it's not always easy to find the time but apart from that I don't stress too much, just eat healthily and enjoy your baby!
Gosh 8 weeks is nothing hun! I don't have any experience in how long it takes in reality to lose baby weight as still pregnant with my first but i also read it is normal to take around 9 months for your body to recover and get back to 'normal' whatever that may be!!

Just wanted to say you've done brilliantly losing a stone already! :clap: :clap: And well done for getting down the gym, if you enjoy the gym it's good to get the exercise and have some you time too, just make sure you don't try to rush the weightloss as your body will still be getting back to normal on the inside too!!

i can guarantee u look loads better than u think, even without knowing what u look like i just kno that whatever u look like in ur head u will be hyper-critical :hug:

by all means lose a bit of weight and tone up, but please please DONT get obsessed or carried away with it :hug: dont fall down the slippery slope! :hug:
Yeah be careful hun - I just realised last night how dam skinny I am!!! :wall: :oops:

As part of my PND I've lost my apetite - but to be honest I never really had one until I got pregnant anyway! :roll:
I threw out all my size 8 clothes coz I wanted to stay at a size 10 now and not drop any lower because I think I look ill all the time and people always say I look better if they see my pregnancy pics or some snaps from when I went abroad for a month and was force fed by our host :lol:

But anyway...even though I was down to a size 12 naturally after 4-5 weeks.....I think I've kinda been obsessing about the flabby ring around my stomach which is the only thing stopping me fitting in 1/2 my size 10 trousers......and now I can almost fit into the petite size ones and the rest are actually a teeny bit loose! :shock:

And I've reaslied that I'm a bleemin size 8 again after all!!! :wall:
My boobs have stayed a cup size bigger and obviously the (not so) flabby bit in the middle and my hips are a teeny bit bigger than pre-preg....but my spine, ribs and hips bones are bleemin stickin out nearly and when hubby gave me a massage last night then it was kinda uncomfortable because I could clearly feel his knuckles against my bones :wall:

I've been suffering with a lot of pelvic type cramps and bad back ache for the last week too :(
Obviously lost the weight too bloomin quickly (and too much!)

So PLEASE be careful :hug:
Ive lost 3 stone in 7 weeks and its all down to the fact that I have a baby who will not give me time to eat! :lol:
The problem with this is, the quicker you lose it, the easier it is to pile it back on! :shock:
Take it easy hun, 8 weeks is nothing! I bet you look brilliant, and you will tone up in time....Im gonna work on it but Im not rushing..like someone said "9 months on, 9 months off"
You have done really well to lose that stone :clap:

And blokes dont care about our jiggly bits!
Plus it gave them their baby, so if they dont like it they can go without :lol:
Just sat down for a few minutes and read all your supportive replies! Thanks very much.....yes, even though I want to lose weight quickly, I don't want to put it all back on again.

I have always been body conscious but been fortunate to be slim all my life...apart from now! I have 2 lovely kids to show for the wobbly bits! They will tone up soon :pray: :pray:

Julia xx
You are doing really well to even be thinking about your weight after only 8 weeks.
I was a 10 pre-pregnancy, and was gutted to reach a 16 when I went shopping for clothes 3 weeks after the birth. I'm now a size 12 but have a wobbly tummy. I have 6lb to go to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Just take it easy and try not to worry about your weight. 8 weeks is very soon, your body will still be adjusting. I'm sure you will get back to how you were, you just need to take it steady, and don't worry. Sounds like you are doing brilliantly :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks, Chelle,

You have made me feel loads better...thought I should be losing it quicker!

Julia x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's a great weight loss hun :hug: :hug:
They say 9 months up 9 months down!
It will take your body a while to recover, especially the baby belly bit but you'll get there xxxxx
Wow, you're doing really well :)

Hannah is nearly 16 weeks old and I am just starting to think about losing weight now. I am breast feeding so can't really diet but just eating healthier, not snacking and also walking the dog at least twice a day. Still only losing about 2lb a week though :(
Only last week I managed to squeeze into a pair of my prepreg trousers. It's so hard to lose weight when you spend most of your day sitting down feeding a baby.

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