Weight Gain


Active Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Just wondering roughly how much weight people have put on since they found out they were pregnant? I've put on 4 stone!!! Thinking about doing a healthy food eating diary x
I've gained 5 stone!!! I was a size ten before, weighed just over 10 stone, I'm quite tall as well, 5ft 8... I couldn't believe it when I was told my weight, so shocked!

I'm not eating too unhealthily, not stuffing my face, I eat a lot of salads and everything and I love vegetables! Honestly I can't see where I've put all of it! I look a bit fuller round the face but I wouldn't say I look really fat!

I think at the end of the day, you'll gain the weight you need! It's fine to try and do a diary to try and eat healthier, but I think there's only so much you can do... Dieting while pregnant is a bad idea in case LO doesn't get enough nutrients. In the 3rd trimester you're meant to eat an extra 300cals a day. So making sure LO is as healthy as possible is the most important thing

:) xx
I do stuff my face but Im 5'9" so my weight doesn't show too bad, its just my arms and tops of my legs which are making me feel crappy!! But yeah you are right, babies health is the most important thing. So I'm just gonna cut out the junk food x
Ive put on 12lb so far?? But I was quite sick to begin with so I prob lost a bit then?? x
3 and half stone here! Trying not to think about it too much as have been quite healthy......keep telling myself it
Must be what baby needs xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
...keep telling myself it
Must be what baby needs xxx!

Same here! If I tell myself it's for the baby I don't feel like such a fatty!

I think cutting out junk food is the only thing to do really... I've stopped being lazy now, I used to get takeaways too much! My OH has been offshore for 6 weeks and cooking a meal for one every day is very depressing, especially trying to reach my bump over the sink to wash dishes!!!

But I make myself a meal plan for the week of breakfasts lunches and dinners, then I buy what I need for all that, then I find I can eat better because I'm not thinking about what to eat, so I have more energy to cook!

about 2 stone but Im not tall and with my first I put on a total of 3st 7lb so every pregnancy and everyone is different so I wouldnt worry too much honey you said yourself youre eating healthy and that matters...oh yeah I lost a stone at the birth in fluid!!!
I piled it on when I had my daughter, over 4 stone but a stone went giving birth and the rest fell off quite quickly afterwards I'm sure breast feeding really helped! This time I was so ill in tri 1 that I only caught up a few weeks ago so only put a few extra pounds on so far. It's so strange how my 2 pregnancies can be so different, maybe I'm having a boy this time!

Maybe keeping a food diary would help just so your aware exactly what your eating, you could always cut out the crap stuff as baby gets not benefit from this but still have the right calorie intake with healthier options. I try to eat fruit, wholemeal toast, yogurts, nuts and cereal bars as snacks instead of junk, although I've been getting a bit of a sweet tooth lately finding chocolate raisins hard to avoid!

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