Weight Gain


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi All,

I was just confused so thought of asking you all. I am almost close to 20 weeks pregnant now and have gained 6 kgs till now. This weight gain is across whole of my body. I am just wondering is it normal to gain this much weight by now as when I look at myself it seems I have gained a lot..:( and I must admit since last 4 weeks I am eating a lot..as I am hungry all the time..so was wondering is it just me or this is normal ..Thanks
I gained 4kgs within my booking in at 6 weeks and my scan at 11 weeks eek! Seems to be balancing out more now tho as in the first tri all I could eat was maccy d's
I too have gained a lot I think, mine is probably due to jus eating what crap I could whilst I was being sick in 1st Tri. Also, mine is all over my body, especially located on my bum and thighs.... I too would like to know if we get baby weight everywhere.... i thought it was just my tummy :(

i only gained about 3.5kilos up to i was 20 weeks but now.. i have more then doubled that in the last 5 weeks and i have gained almost 8 kilos in total. (16ibs)
not so much to some but as i was already overweight my midwife said to me no more then 2 stones for the whole pregnancy.. :(
I've gained 13lb so far which I'm hoping is good but I'm still eatting so much crap!! Midwife said your meant to gain about 2stone through the whole pregnancy but my size 8 friend gained 4 stone so I wouldn't worry, everyones different!
hun ive gained loads too...dont worry about it...im just enjoying the pregnancy...chesse galore at our house...my husbands tummy is growing with me!! lol just enjoy and dont stres...if u have any specific concerns discuss it with ur mw and shel put ur mind at ease! xx
Dear All, Thanks a lot..I thought it is just me who is growing big quickly...lets see where the scales finally stop..:) I will go back to my eating modes..
iv gained 2 nhalf stone so far and the way im eating it not going to get better lols

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