Weaning off nipple shields


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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H is becoming really brilliant at breastfeeding which is incredible considering how hard he had it at the beginning. He's getting more efficient, going longer at night, and generally just getting better at feeding.

But I would really love to start trying to feed without nipple shields. Its not that it bothers me to much, but i would love to be able to just latch him on & him feed no problem. The thing is, he is so used to them now, I don't know if I'd be able to. When I try & put him on the nipple he just cries.

Has anybody got any experience coming off of shields?

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I found that when switching from the shields to nothing, LO found it easier to latch on if i held my breast and kind of made the whole nipple area more sticky-outy if that makes sense. Lol, my brain isnt working and i cant think of a better way to put it.
Maybe try that, and if it works then you could gradually reduce how much you're shaping the breast for him?

Sorry i cant be of more use than that, my LO has tongue tie so we couldnt along with bf and he went onto bottles - but the above method was what was most successful for us.

Good luck, hope it works out for you :)
Try expressing a tiny bit so your nipple is long and easier to latch, perseverance is the key I think!
My LO occasionally gets it without the shield but only when she's chilled and not desperate for milk. Skin to skin also helps. X
I've given up tbh. I spoke to the hv & decided that instead of stressing about the fact he won't latch without shields, that I'm just going to accept the fact that this is us & be greatful we can even bf atall. If it wasn't for the shields I would have never of had the pleasure of bfing & I'm sure I wouldn't have expressed for that long. This way he is getting so much goodness from bm & at least my nipples are saved!

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I'm starting to think that as it still is pretty uncomfortable with the shields for me due to the sheer volume of feeding at the mo. Without it would be unbearable I think!
The pain really does ease, if that's a consolation Umbungo?
My nipples were so cracked and bleeding, I had to air them when lo wasn't feeding and apply loads of Lansinoh. I didn't bf all the time in the first few weeks as I had to express so that helped the soreness heal. From around 6/7 weeks it became loads more comfortable! Now at 31 weeks pp I only feel the tingly sensation when there's the let down.


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