Tegan had her pediatrician and Dietician follow up appointments tuesday and they don't want to try introducing dairy until she's 1, so Im really stuck on knowing what to give her food wise! the Dietician basically said anything Not containing milk But what can i give her for breakfast? just fruit? she's 22 weeks now, when can she start having proper food?
weaning really confuses me!! x
I'm having the same issue, however I had conflicting information from my pead, dietician and hv! Useless lot! So I'm none the wiser!
Dietician said nothing until a year, maybe soya yogurts but nothing else! Pead said I could introduce small bits if cheese at 6 months and them milk, and hv just told me to make him some cakes! As they have a small amount if milk in! Yes and also a load of sugar
So confused! I'm spoon feeding at the moment varied veg and fruit but have just started giving bits of banana, I may try carrot next week!
There's so many things they can't have! Not sure what to do really
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