Weaning-am I bad??

I would try an wait as close to 4 months or 17 weeks as possible. Have you tried hungry baby milk?
I weaned k at 3 months on baby rice that was nearly 6 years ago rules.change.but you know your.baby. good luck x x
I think it is right we get advice from hv but overall every baby is different alex wants more so we give him more and he takes it
Hi Lexy

I have been letting Jasmine try things as she was absolutely obsessed with me eating ice creams or bananas for the last 3 or 4 weeks. shes only had small amounts on my finger just to see what she likes/dislikes. I think as the girls have said you know your baby better than anyone and from what I have been told food is seen more as fun at this age not as a source of nourishment.

Mez xxxx
Thanks guys! Yeah it isn't gonna do too much harm, hungry baby milk is what she's on when I give her formula, I'm trying to express as much as I can and dont want to give much formula really, defeats the object of my determination to breast feed! She has had 3 days of rusks at night now, and she demolishes a whole rusk, and has 7oz of breastmilk or formula depending on how much I can express. I'm pretty pleased! She's slept better than ever the past few nights! I think with the whole guidelines to weaning, are just guidelines and I have definateky learned that every baby is different. Sofia just so happens to take quite well to it! Let me know how you get on rheych xx
I've started weaning kieron-the longest he used to go between feeds was 8 hours at night,had been on hungry baby since 6 weeks. Healso started waking in the night again and he's gone back upto 6x8oz bottles a day when he'd been on 5 for ages. He's having 2 'meals'a day,1 of baby rice/porridge and 1 of fruit purée but I'm tryin to gradually introduce different tastes x

pleased Sofia is doin so well-can't believe our babies are 3 months old already xx
i know emma its mental!!
so with you doing 2 a day, did you go straight into that? as im thinking of introducing a second "meal". i switch between rice and rusk, is fruit puree ok?? i just dont wanna mess up her digestive system. i love feeding her myself (breast) but if its not enough then i would rather she had "food", i would like to think i will breastfeed for around the year mark. xx
I just introduced an extra meal more for taste-I started by giving him it mid afternoon between milk feeds and just give him a small amount at first-he's now having breakfast and a savoury meal + fruit purée at teatime-ish. He absolutely lives sweet potato. I got the c & g purée pots from asda-they're on offer at the mo-think it was 3 packs of 4 for a fiver. He only has half at a time so equivalent to 24 meals!! xx
Hiya girls, glad both the baby's are doing well! JJ has started to have a bit of baby porridge and I was unsure about giving anything else yet but defo going to try a different taste in the next week. At the moment I am only mixing one spoon of porridge with his milk at his 4pm feed, do you reckon it's best to try him with the same in the morning at breakfast time and see how he goes before introducing other flavours? He's a week behind your babas I think....
I was wondering the same....I want to introduce another meal now but do I try a different flavour? Like fruit purée? Was going to do a lunch feed. When shall I start blending my own food like veg (as I'd rather do that than buy jars)
Rheych I don't know! Lol. X
i started with porridge in a morning and when she was ok with that i gave her pureed veg that i had made at tea time so its a long gap between having solids then just introduced lunch quite a while after that x
I was wondering the same....I want to introduce another meal now but do I try a different flavour? Like fruit purée? Was going to do a lunch feed. When shall I start blending my own food like veg (as I'd rather do that than buy jars)
Rheych I don't know! Lol. X

I am confused too! there seems to be loads of different opinions and methods of doing it doesn't there? JJ has only just started holding his head up by himself but I couldn't sit him in a high chair yet so i'm thinking wait until then before giving him three 'proper' meals? oh it's a whole world of discovery and learning every day isn't it?! :lol:
yeah totally, my lo was born on 4th feb so very close in ages to your LO's but hes no where near ready for solids/rice etc, but when he is im sure i will be asking you guys for tons of advice lxxx
lol the reason we have started so early is cos milk just simply wasnt enough! well today i bought fruit pots by organix and im going to try them in the morning, and just stick to the cereal based food in the evening, then when shes older than 4 months i will add a lunch i guess, for now brecky and dinner will do. i dont think i will do veg yet until 4 months either just to follow some guidelines! haha x
The organix fruit pots are great along with hipp too!my lo loves the banana porridge in the same section by organix if you wanted to introduce another flavour!
I think it would be worth having a chat with the HV if you have one that you can relate to. I am lucky as Ellie really is happy with just milk at 5 months and i will wait until she is 6 months old.
One the other hand she is solely on formular now, not that i am wanting to encourage you to do the same, as i take my hat off to anyone who does so well with the breast feeding.

Also I did find with Ellie that she does and even now, wakes about 3/4 am and has a chat with her toys and then goes back to sleep. Are you sure Sofia is really hungry, might be worth leaving her in the cot to see what happens.

Big congratulations by the way, not been on here properly for ages and hadn't even realised you had your baby. Gorgeous name, hope you are enjoying being a Mummy??
Thanks!! Yeah mummy hood is fun.

She's starving at that time of the morning, she latches onto just about anything she can get her mouth around, including my cheeks, ears, fingers. I have tried the dummy and the leaving in the cot and I know she is genuinely hungry.
I would have loved to leave it until she's 6 months but she's just one of those babies that is hungrier than others! And formula isn't an option. My HV has been great, she agrees with me which helps! I'm loving the feeding thing, and Sofia is too, so I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing. Xx
Thanks!! Yeah mummy hood is fun.

She's starving at that time of the morning, she latches onto just about anything she can get her mouth around, including my cheeks, ears, fingers.

This made me chuckle. My OH thought it would be funny to let Oz latch on to his nose... and got a lovely love bite right on the end of it lol, then he did it again about a week later for some reason. Must've liked it lol.
Haha Maria, my OH lets Lizzie do the same, it makes him look like an alcoholic with a big red nose lol :)

Lexi, when you say 'formula isn't an option', is that through personal preference or another reason?

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