Weaning- A Few Questions...

BeckyJ said:
what age did you introduce the rice/cereal?

Evie will be 17 weeks tomorrow and I am going to start on Monday when she will be 4 months and 2 days. They say not to wean before 17 weeks at the earliest but I have been advised by my HV and GP :( My bubby is growing up :(
I got a box of rice to start with and used that one up and then moved onto the cereal. She loved it :D
Haven't started yet but have been reading (mostly AK)! Becky is desperately hungry all of the time and HV thinks she's showing signs of being ready (watching us eat, sitting up with support etc) but seeing as I'm convinced she's in the middle of a growth spurt I might hold out. Dunno. Ack.

Rusks... they shouldn't be given as finger food until 6 months because it's a choking risk. You can mush them up with her milk.

Baby rice... you can mix this with fruit and veg purees so it's not as bland. Any cereals that say 4-6 months are fine - just make sure they don't contain gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats) until 6 months because of the risk of allergies.

AK suggests 1 meal for the first week, 2 for the second and so on. It's up to you if you want to introduce fruits or veggies first - some people think that introducing fruits first might be the starting point in getting a sweet tooth but I don't know if there's any truth in that. First veggies - carrot, parsnip, potato, sweet potato; First fruits - apple, pear, banana, papaya

Annabel Karmel has some charts in her books about how to introduce and balance out food and milk in the first weeks of weaning... gonna PM you about that one :wink:
I've just introduced Angel to Rusk the passed week. She has it just before bed and i find it mixes better with boiling water, rather than milk. She only has half or one that's it.

Thinking of trying rice tonight instead. Think i need to mix it with my milk though.

The rest i'm confused about so i'm pleased about this thread!
I started James with some baby rice with his last feed of the day and kept his milk the same.

THen I introduced some mashed up banana which i mashed up with some milk from his lunchtime bottle so he was getting the same amount of milk but using some with the food iykwim.

Literally just 3 or 4 spoons at first.

Then upped the amount a bit.

THen instead of banana I gave him some pureed veggies (Sweet pot and carrot is a good one to start them on) and reduced the amount of milk i gave.

Then gradually introduced breakfast and reduced the amount of milk accordingly

Now he is on weetabix for brekkie with a bottle.
Lunch is meat and veggies with a yoghurt for pud and a bottle of juice
About 5 ish he has his tea so same as above but different food
Then 8ish he has a final milk bottle and thats him done for the day.

Just take it really gradually and introduce new things one as a time and give them to her for a good few days / week or so before adding other things.

If you have any questions hun your welcome to PM me. I dont pretend to be an expert but i do actually really enjoy weaning James and cooking him stuff etc so i may be able to help with food ideas etc.
:hug: :hug:
Jen&James said:
I started James with some baby rice with his last feed of the day and kept his milk the same.

THen I introduced some mashed up banana which i mashed up with some milk from his lunchtime bottle so he was getting the same amount of milk but using some with the food iykwim.

Literally just 3 or 4 spoons at first.

Then upped the amount a bit.

THen instead of banana I gave him some pureed veggies (Sweet pot and carrot is a good one to start them on) and reduced the amount of milk i gave.

Then gradually introduced breakfast and reduced the amount of milk accordingly

Now he is on weetabix for brekkie with a bottle.
Lunch is meat and veggies with a yoghurt for pud and a bottle of juice
About 5 ish he has his tea so same as above but different food
Then 8ish he has a final milk bottle and thats him done for the day.

Just take it really gradually and introduce new things one as a time and give them to her for a good few days / week or so before adding other things.

If you have any questions hun your welcome to PM me. I dont pretend to be an expert but i do actually really enjoy weaning James and cooking him stuff etc so i may be able to help with food ideas etc.
:hug: :hug:

When you introduced the sweet pot and carrot does it puree well, or do you need to mix it with a bit of milk? I've never done anything like this before!
Think i may invest in a hand blender!
It blends really well in a blender. I have never needed to add any milk. The only thing that can need a bit of milk adding imo is potato just to make it a bit creamier. Oh and broccoli.

THe best investment I have is a multi blender thingy. Cost about £50 but i use it every day and its fab.

called a magi mix from argos.
LisaJ1986 said:
Think i may invest in a hand blender!

I bought one yesterday in Tesco for less than £5 and a steamer for £10! Bargain! :cheer:
Jade&Evie said:
LisaJ1986 said:
Think i may invest in a hand blender!

I bought one yesterday in Tesco for less than £5 and a steamer for £10! Bargain! :cheer:

I'll have to go get one. Been meaning to for ages. But didn't think she'd need it for a couple more months.
Jade&Evie said:
Tillytots said:
just wanted to say I tried James on baby rice and he hated it but C&G fruity breakfast he loves :lol: did you get the free sample?

yeah- it's been sitting in my cupboard tempting me for weeks! :roll:

lol! Im not weaning James for a while yet but Ive given him a couple of spoonfuls of different buits. I have to be careful what with his Lactose Intollerance, he did seems fine on the breakfast though as it was only a few spoonfuls. He loves a spoon but I dont think he needs anything apart from milkies for a while yet :)
I'd avoid rusks as a main source of food for a meal... they are very sugary, even the reduced sugar variety and you risk getting your LO addicted to sweet foods, leading to fussiness later on. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/622098.stm.... http://www.ciao.co.uk/Farleys_Baby_Food__Review_5556466 heres a list of ingredients and as you can see sugar is the second biggest ingredient in them... They make great weaning foods because of this because they are sweet and babies love them.. but its best to start them off on more savoury foods to make sure they don't develop that sweet tooth.. Try veg first rather than fruit too.

tbh theres no rush to implement lots of meals... Just try one of baby rice for several weeks...allow her to get used to the new texture...they don't know about all the different flavours in the world....so they don't care... Plus the more meals you introduce the quicker you will push out the milk and milk still provides the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in a babies diet.

But the choice is obviously yours....

No one listens to waffle squig anymores anyways... :rotfl:
Never knew that about rusk. I feel such an idiot when it comes this weaning thing. I'm so clueless. Thankfully we have rice in the cupboard so i'll try that tonight.
I'm so confused with all this, I'm getting frustrated thinking about it.
honestly hun dont worry about it

I think people tend to over complicate it when its simply a matter of just introducing basic foods very gradually. James was on baby rice for a month before i moved him on to other stuff!

Its just about working with your baby. You will get the same signs you get when you think baby needs weaning if they start to need more food.

Just do it one step as a time and you will be fine
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks. I just keep making myself upset about it. Like i should know what i'm doing.
I didnt have a clue when i started either. Thats exactly what this forum is for hun to help each other with stuff like this :hug: :hug:
LisaJ1986 said:
Thanks. I just keep making myself upset about it. Like i should know what i'm doing.

Dont be stressed hun, I think we are gonna start at the weekend, the night wakings are getting beyond belief and I'm sick of being shouted at after every feed lol

I havent a clue either, so much of this parenting seems to be 'make it up as you go along' I'm just going to start with one of those free packets of rice and take it from there :D
a great started is avacado.. i wouldnt even bother with baby rice (unless you really want to).. i would just give fruit purees and veggie.. if your baby doesnt like veggies you can add apple or pear puree to them..(thats what jar food does to add sweetness)

Good luck :D let the mess... begin :D
I just end up in tears about it all. Just been through Midna's link and it just made me feel guilty for starting early. But she hasn't refused anything yet. She has swallowed every last bit i have given her, not spat anything out. Her nose turned up a bit at the rice tonight but she still ate the lot.

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