Need ideas!

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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As the title says, I need some ideas for meals!
So I've decided to start weaning again and so far it's going great!!
Charley has muesli or porridge for breakfast, banana, fruit pot or crushed rusk with milk for lunch then something I've puréed like mash, sweet potato, carrot and suede for dinner.
I want more ideas for lunch though! Breakfast and dinners fine but I don't wanna keep giving rusks or fruit pots for lunch so what else can I do?
As soon as he's 6 months I'll start on sandwiches but I need something in the mean time!!

Oh and thought I'd show you a pic of charley enjoying his foot while eating breakfast earlier...
You could do different fruits-strawberry and banana, peach and strawberry, apple and pear etc so far I'm only introducing food at dinner and snack time so he has a bit of what we're having for dinner (no meat yet obvs) and I let him play with pear/bannana/strawberries etc for 'snack' time
When you say let him play is that mashed fruit or cut up? I wanna give him sliced banana but don't know if I'm allowed yet!!
Cut up. Seb'll be 6 months on Saturday so I figure what's a week gonna change? He's been fine with it! Tbh we gave him mashed up banana and a spoon (baby spoon) on Sunday and man he had a great time! He didn't really 'eat' much but he did put spoon into bowl and then into his mouth and so on! He was covered by the time we'd finished and it was brilliant to see :)
We've just given him chunky strips of boiled carrot (we were having boiled sliced carrots but it's better to give them pieces they can hold in their fists) and he couldn't get enough of them! Usually he will try something (like pear) and decide 'yuk' and it doesn't go back in he just plays with it but the carrot just kept going back x
h will eat anything - i give him breakfast and dinner at the mo but am going to introduce lunch when he's 6 months old!! I was wondering what to give him for lunch as veg is boring!!!!
i have a banana actually so might give him that tomorrow to 'play' with!!

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