when should i introduce meats?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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James is thriving on his food - he absolutely loves it! (Not that that will come as a surprise to anyone! :lol: )

He has been on his veggies for well over a month now and I was wondering when I should start introducing some meat.

He has some pureed fruit for brekkie and a bottle of milk, lunch he has his veggies followed by fruit or a petit filou and a bottle of juice and then he will have a bottle for tea with a bit of fruit or a none sugar rusk and then he has a bottle of milk just before bed.

Should I think about giving him meats now (he started weaning at 12 weeks ad is 5 months next week) and if so how do I do it??
I started with chicken when I weaned Paris - cooked it and blended it with the veggies :)

I haven't given Evie any meat as yet... I decided to wait until she hit the 6 months mark to introduce those sorts of foods. She just started having proper finger foods this last week and we are slowly introducing dairy. At the moment all she has from that food group is fromage frais but in the next couple of weeks we are going to introduce some weetabix type breakfast

hope that helps
I was advised by my HV to start my lo on meats from about 6 months, but we're not ready for that just yet. x
i also asked my HV and she said not to give him any meat until 6 months. aparently its too hard to digest and makes them very constipated. I gave him pureed chicken for the first time today with carrots and potato and some baby gravy. seemed to like it by the 'mmmmm' noises he was making. i'll let you no if he gets constipated!

Thinking about it im sure you can....the 4month+ baby jars have meat in them :think:
thanks guys i will wait then. He is perfectly happy as he is I just didnt want him to not be getting the nutrition if he is supposed to be having it.

:hug: :hug:
i waited until 6 mths and gave her her first tastes of chicken today. I blended it with veggies and she loved it.
Lily has it in th jars - only the last few weeks. I thought it was ok because the jars say from 4months :think: :oops:

She has a tiny bit of blended beef on sunday :)

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