Drinks with meals


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2007
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Sorry another question! I've been giving Poppy fruit for breakfast and veg for lunch but the hv has now suggested that I give weetabix for breakfast and a meat/fish dish for lunch. I've also been told to cut her milk feeds so I am going to introduce water/juice with her lunch instead of the milk. I'm assuming that you give the lunch drink straight after she has eaten? With regards to the breakfast, I was thinking about giving Poppy formula when she wakes up and then giving her weetabix about an hour later with no drink. Does this sound right? I currently give her formula with her breakfast but think I need to change this. Hope this makes sense!!
sounds about right hun i more or less do same but christopher has his cereal then his milk straight after it xxxxx
When Willow wakes up i give her her milk then a bout an hour later i give her her porridge with cows milk then i give her a bit of juice to wash it down with, i give water/juice after every meal just to clean her mouth out.

she only has her bottle when she wakes up and before she goes to bed.
Matilda has milk first thing then her 'brekfast' about an hour later, I give her water with every meal and depending what she is eating she often will eat a few mouthfuls and then refuse any more till she's had a drink, specially with things such as sweet potato as it isnt as 'liquid', I also try to get her to have water on and off during the day, just offering the cup to her, she then has a bottle at night before bed, very occasionally she will still have a bottle at lunchtime.

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