
confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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boy do I hate this confusion around whether waters have gone or not...

I had a long nap and when I got out of bed heading to the toilet I felt stuff come out which I couldn't squeeze to stop it just kept coming by the the time I sat on the bog n had a wee... my pantyliner was wet but clear, doesn't smell of anything.. how would u know if its ur waters?

Lay down for half hour, then sit up and see if it happens again xx
The only way to be positive is to have a swab done to see if it is amniotic fluid xx
I had this the other day hun, felt like either waters or that I'd lost control of my bladder :( Went to the delivery suite who did just what tinytoes mentioned. They did a swab (bit like a smear test) to see if it was waters, but it wasn't, so they sent me home again. Felt a bit of a wally for wasting time, but better safe than sorry I guess.
Ring your MW if you are unsure :)
I had to do the same :) bit embarassing but its better safe than sorry x
Aww hun, one of the joys of pregnancy hey!
Have you phoned your MW to be on the safe side?
Yup, she said to chuck on a pad, but I've had nothing erghh wishful thinking I was praying it be my waters but No it has to be WEE lol
Haha, oh dear!
That's the same with me, I was mortified when the MW had checked and said "nope, your waters are intact" I felt like such a time waster, but I guess they are used to it.....(hopefully!)
Aw, I know how you feel, desperate for something to happen here too. It is hard to know isn't it, seem to ahve a lot of runny discharge at the mo..but when mine waters went with Izzy there was no mstaking it, I was soaked!

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