wasnt sure where 2 put this...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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either feeding&nutrtion or health, so im putting it here lol

wonder if any jar-feeding mummies can reassure me this...

millie just did a big poo, and when i was wiping i noticed 2 little blobs of bright red on the wipe. (only on one wipe out of 4) she did not seem in pain and her bum did not look sore- i looked at them closely (well as close as i could stand lol) but i draw the line at picking them off to feel them to see what they are! :puke: :lol:

well normally millie eats home-made which i KNO has no red bits in coz i make it myself lol but yesterday coz we were out and about she had a jar for lunch- it was a globe totters jamaican vegetables and rice which i do think had red bits in possibly.

do some red bits from jars come out of babies the other end?

or could it hav been blood :(

my instincts are tellin me its just food but im hopin for some reassurance
Hi Trix,
Millie being well in herself is a good sign that this was just a bit of food.

Blood in the stools usually presents itself in one of two forms. Mostly it looks like ground coffee (almost black, grainy). It can also sometimes look like red currant jelly.

The black coffee type would need investigating by the GP if you EVER saw it. The red jelly is (as far as I know) fine as a one off, but if it happens again you need to call the GP. If she has been straining there may be a bit of fresh blood (like if you cut yourself), but yet again, this could be a one off.

It sounds as if it could be some red peppers or carrots, they can show as blobs of red in a nappy.

Just keep an eye on her and her poos (lovely!). I'm sure she'll be fine and it was probably just something mixed in the jar!

I was going to say peppers as imogen has jarred food on occasions and has awful smeling poo with bits in it!!!! tmi :rotfl:

She sounds fine.
Clark has jars sometimes when we go out too and he has had this before! Its pretty :puke: but nothing to worry about x
It might be pepper or tomato skin as I dont think even an adult gut can digest these? Nice! :lol:
It'll be something from the jar, probably as the others say it's tomato or pepper skin.

Funny, I gave Sam peas yesterday, and they came out the other end today.......still whole! :lol: :lol: :lol:
When Maddison has jars she has poo with bits in too :lol:

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