Im sure breast feeding wasnt meant to be.....

Don't feel guilty if you need to formula feed - I know it's easier said than done but Matilda would much rather have a happy mummy and a full belly!
I have only expressed because of the guilt iykwim, plus my OH is very anti-formula (thanks midwives!), but we have both come to the conclusion that once we get back off holiday we are gonna try formula so I can actually enjoy the time I have left with Lizzie before I go back to work. That's the important thing!
Becky is right, happy mummy = happy baby. I wish I could get Oz off the boob now, he uses me for comfort and it's really tme consuming sometimes but at the same time I feel so guilty to stop.

The pressure put on BF mums is ridiculous, it should be an amazing bonding experience not all gulit tripping, sleep deprived craziness lol

Thanks RB, Becky and Maria..... Ive tried putting her again loads yest and last night and during the night and I had to put the bottle near my boob to trick her but she sussed it out and played holy hell....

Im lucky as I have nobody pressurising me to feed and even the HV said its ok if I have to stop as Ive tried everything and had so many obstacles that Ive plodded on through over the last 12 weeks its just me whos giving myself a hard time.... I just know that this is the last baby we will have and as I only managed to feed Kate for 6 weeks due to Mastitis I really wanted to feed Matilda for as long as I could...but I suppose now is as long as I can feed her for as its clearly not what she wants anymore and like you all say a happy and fully little lady is a happy mammy which is a happy Matilda! I think Im going to have to accept that bfeeding days are about to end anytime soon unless a miracle occurs and she takes to it again but Im certainly not going to force her as I hate seeing how upset she gets when I try and put her on the boob....

Thanks for listening to me bleet ladies and for all your encouragement and great advice xxx
You've given her the best bit and you've done really well perserving, now maybe it's time to move over to FF and just enjoy the feeds rather than stress over them :hugs:

Nothing to feel guilty about you've done the best for your daughter xxxxxx
Thanks Maria....I think your right....havent even tried her tonight as I dont want to stress her out so F it is and shes fast asleep as

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