not sure where to put this


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i was BFing millie before putting her down for the nite, i was sat on our bed and i turned and saw my books on the little shelves at the side. i kno i loved all the books- but i dont remember any of them! if someone asked what they were about i wouldnt hav a clue! altho i KNO i read them in the last 5 years or so. just cant remember them!
its a lot the same with films too. and alot of stuff tbh, i can remember holidays and nites out and stuff but i cant remember other things iv done or seen in the last maybe 10 years! i cant remember anyone i worked with at my last job only 2 years ago.
most of my pre-pregnancy memories are a blur. is this normal after having a baby? is it something to do with pregnancy? anyone else had this?
I was told at my PND group that in times of depression you can lose a lot of memories when you try to remember back. I also read on here you've tried anti-depressants in the past - do your depression and the blank bits match up?
mm thats hard to answer coz i never believed i indeed had the things i was diagnosed with- but the periods i was on anti-d's werent very long. about 9 months in 1998-99 and about a year or something between 2003-05. (cant even remember the dates! :wall: )
its interesting what u said tho. maybe i was depressed after all :think:
thanx for ur reply :hug:

*EDIT* actually, iv just had a think, and the worst bit of my memory loss is end of 2003 to mid 2005 and during those years was when i was on prozac :think: (the one in '98/'99 was seroxat but i remember those years better, even tho they were longer ago)

how odd!
Don't know if it's anything to do with depression. Interesting. I don't think it's to do with pregnancy though as I've always been like that. I've got bookshelves full of books I've read and thought were brilliant...can't remember a thing about them now. Same with films. Seen some brilliant films but don't ask me about the plot. Can't remember! :?
Well, I do remember things before the pregnancy, but now, sometimes when my DH says something it is completely out of my mind :? Like "would you like a glass of water", I apparently answer "no", and then a second later-"will you bring a glass of water, please". Weird :? :roll:

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