not sure where to put this :S


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Hey ladies not sure if this is in the right place well i want to ask a question about housing at the moment me and hubby are renting a pvt 3 bedroom house off a family member and to be honest i think where paying over the odds when at the moment only one bedroom is been used as little one is in with us now she has told us that she wants us to move out so she can sell the house i got told to go and see about the council so at the moment im on the council list and are on band BL as anyone been on this or band b and how long did it take to get somewhere only been put on it today we were taking about going pvt again but hubby is working all hours as it is and we hardly get to see him soo don't want him away any more then he has to be lol thanks in advance girls xx
usually the higher the band meaning like b and then a been highest are who get a property first you need to check with the housing/concil if you need bid on properties and how to do that dont be afarid to ask or you will be given a property no choice you wud have to accept otherwise your bottom of the list. if there are only 2 adults and 1 child/baby you will be given only a 2 bed property as they wud see that as enough for you. you wont be able get a 3 bed property unless you go private hun x x x
Don't know a lot about being on the housing list, but I know where I live it's an absolute nightmare!
So I'd recommend trying to stay in privately rented accommodation.. Have you looked into whether you'd be entitled to any local housing allowance or anything to help you pay the rent so OH doesn't have to work more? xx
It's a nightmare trying to a council property but it is way too expensive to rent privately here. I think the best thing to do is to contact your local council and speak to the housing people to see what they recommend. Maybe if your landlord is selling you can be classed as homeless which may bump you up the list a little?? Worth a try. Good luck :)
Was reading off the site one time, I think you are lucky if you are in band b all you need now is register to locata and bid for the property. band A takes weeks band B months and band C takes a year so I dont know how your local authority policy are, best option is to nag and never stop nagging till you get a property lol
dont take my words for it just search on google you find all the answers
Thank you @SunnySue i did what you said. And got rushed through and got a house :) and moving in tomorrow x

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