Wanted to share my prem birth story


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Hi everyone, wanted to share my story with you all.
My pregnancy has been pretty complicated, had SPD and pre-eclampsia, monday the 26th march i got taken into hospital with high blood pressure and protein in my urine, they sent bloods and urine off and results came back protein level was 34, which isnt too bad, anything over 30 they class as high so wasnt too high really, they kept me in over night to repeat tests and do a growth scan on tuesday.

On the tuesday my protein results went up to 179, blood pressure was 145/93, growth scan showed baby was doing ok and they estimated him to weigh 3lb 12oz, they gave me the first course of steroid injections for his lungs and i was due the 2nd dose 24 hours later, later on tuesday evening i was unwell, being sick, blurred vision and a bad headache so they took me to delivery suite to monitor me and baby, baby was doing ok.

Wednesday morning i was put back on the ward, everything was going ok, put me on a trace to monitor baby and withing 20 mins i started contracting, they came on so fast, they were showing on the trace at over 150 and was coming every 4 minutes so back to delivery suite, baby's heart rate kept dropping but picked up really quick, they discussed delivery and decided they would put me on a drip to try and stop contractions and said they would deliver if my cervix changed or baby got distressed, after a hour contractions were now coming every 2 minutes, at 12.07pm babys heart rate dropped and took 3 minutes to recover so decision was made to deliver.

I was rushed straight to theatre and prepped for delivery.

Baby jai was born at 12.58pm 9 weeks early weighing 3lb 6oz, he was crying when he was born :) he was put on a cpap machine and moved straight to nicu.

I went to see him later that evening and hes gorgeous.

Hes now 5 days old and doing really well, tolerating his milk like a good boy.
He gets weighed again today so will see how hes doing.

Heres a pic of him taken at 2 days old. Thank you for reading my story xxx


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Oh Hunni I loved reading ur story! Fantastic news that all is well! Hugs to you both :)
Aww hun, hope he's doing ok he's gorgeous xx

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Firstly congratulations on your baby boy, that must have been a scary experience for you. Hope baby has put some weight on today. x
Ahhh congratulations chick. Bless. Hope the hospital stay is going ok and i hope he gains his weight xxxxx
Oh huge congratulations to you , he is beautiful! Well done you after all those issues , and yay for weight gain and going from strength to strength in NICU , let us know how he is getting in X
arrr congrats. hes gorge xxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations, he is so precious. What a good weight for his age too! I hope you're both doing well x
Hi everyone sorry havent been about but as you could imagine been a bit manic, having 3 kids on easter holidays and jai in nicu, jai is doing really well, hes now been breathing on his own for over a week, he weighs 3lb 5oz he lost abit but is slowly putting it back on, hes not maintaining his temp very well so will need to stay in the incubator for abit longer yet, and hes now taking 29mls of milk, hopefully next week i can try to start feeding him :)

Hope everyone is well xxx
Heres a couple of pics


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reading your story really brought back so many memories of the birth of my baby girl. And i just had a little cry :)

Like you i had really bad pre-eclampsia. She was delivered by C section 8 weeks early and weight 3lb 3oz on thursday 12th May 2011, almost a year ago. She was in special care for just 2 weeks and 6 days and came home on my birthday, june 1st weighing just 3lb 10oz. she was a right little fighter bless her and im sure Jai will be too! 11 months on she has fully caught up with all her development and it just a little teeny weighing 17lb (bearing in mind shes been ill for two weeks and lost about 1-2lbs)

good luck with everything, we are so lucky to have our prem babies. we get 8-9 weeks extra time with them in our lives than most mummies. xxxx
Aww im so pleased your little one is doing so well, they are such little fighters arent they for how small they are xxx
So pleased to hear he's doing well, he's adorable xx

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He's absolutely gorgeous!! Massive congratulations! You've got a proper little fighter there! :D.
Wishing you both all the best and hope you're both doing ok :D.

Awwwww he's gorgeous hun!! Congratulations and I hope he comes home soon :') xx
Aww congrats hun!!! I <3 the third pic! Keep us updated xx
reading your story really brought back so many memories of the birth of my baby girl. And i just had a little cry :)

Like you i had really bad pre-eclampsia. She was delivered by C section 8 weeks early and weight 3lb 3oz on thursday 12th May 2011, almost a year ago. She was in special care for just 2 weeks and 6 days and came home on my birthday, june 1st weighing just 3lb 10oz. she was a right little fighter bless her and im sure Jai will be too! 11 months on she has fully caught up with all her development and it just a little teeny weighing 17lb (bearing in mind shes been ill for two weeks and lost about 1-2lbs)

good luck with everything, we are so lucky to have our prem babies. we get 8-9 weeks extra time with them in our lives than most mummies. xxxx

Aww lovely news! She is not that tiny, my LO is nearly 17 months old and was 9 days late, he weighs just 19lbs! xxx
Thanks everyone, hes doing so well, weighs 4lb 4oz now, is in a hotcot and they are slowly reducing the temperature, they had to put him on low flow oxygen as he was having some de-sats, that started at o.05 and its now on 0.02 so hopefully he will be off it soon, hes breastfeeding now too and when im not there hes being cup fed but he still gets really tired so hes still having some feeds through the tube.
Heres a pic taken today :) xxx


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Was wondering how things were.
Glad to hear he's doing really well. Gorgeous little boy xx

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