geordie lass said:
manda224 said:
there was talk of one a while ago
id be up for it :)
manda xx

where abouts down south are you?
im ploting everone on a map to figure out some good places to meet up.
i promise not to stalk you hahaa :twisted: :lol:


sorry only just seen it im in portsmouth :)
manda xx
am up for this, dont think will be makin the manchester meet - I should be stripped of my pf meet aholic status!!!! :( :(
I'm in London! There are fast trains to London from all of the places people are from :D If you all come to my manor I'll provide the pie and liquor 8)
im in crystal palace area so can pretty much get the train to anywhere in London!! :cheer:
I live at Mitcham near London, so would only make a London meet and only after Dans born :)
manda224 said:
geordie lass said:
manda224 said:
there was talk of one a while ago
id be up for it :)
manda xx

where abouts down south are you?
im ploting everone on a map to figure out some good places to meet up.
i promise not to stalk you hahaa :twisted: :lol:


sorry only just seen it im in portsmouth :)
manda xx

My sister Tina her husband and my little Niece are moving over from Gibralta to Portmouth next month
manda224 said:
cool its ok here but i hear gibralta is lovely :)
manda xx
I did the Great South run in Portsmouth and i can say i have some memorable emotions of the place
chucking it down hard rain and hail stones freezing cold biting wind and painfull sea spray as i ran 10 miles (it was hell) but i did it and im proud of that fact. though i felt that i may die at the end :rotfl:
But what got me was after me and my mates changed into to our free gift lovely dry t-shirts. we walked along the sea front to get back to our cars
And got compleatly soaked to the skin as 2 gigantic waves broke over the top of the sea wall. we broke out into hysterical laughter (well it was that or cry) :rotfl:
we were drenched to the bone
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yeah i wouldnt want to move back to cold rainy Blighty after living in sunny warm Gibralta for over 2 years.
But her Husbands 2 year post has ended and he's been reposted to Portsmouth he's an Sergent MP in the Army.
But it makes me happy :dance: as i will finaly have some of my family close to me agian as all the rest of my family are up North :(
And i get to see my adorable Niece and she will grow up knowing her cousin. :hug: :hug: :cheer: :angel:
:oops: yep sarah i did mean tonbridge wells!!!!!

im up for whenever where ever as long as i have bit of notice so can book time off work,

oh just realised kay is coming, do you mean i have to see her there :roll: :rotfl:

the rest of you il welcome with open arms.

:hug: :hug:

for got to mention tina&gabs lives round corner from me il ask her as i know she cant get on much at moment but will see if she is up for it too xx
sorry im from, Basildon Essex

london might be a problem for me as i dont wanna drive in london & trians can be a problem.

what about kent? bluewater is that near most people?

We want to get down to kent in the summer as my hometown is in Thanet, and ofc we want to see Kaz in Surrey and her ickle bubba yes count us in we can kill 3 birds with one stone then :lol:
i dnt no how 2 get to kent :( cud i get a train 2 london then straighjt to bluewater i dont drive so sumwer near a station wud be great

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