Waiting for labour thread

40 weeks today. 3cm dilated and waters bulging, midwife thought baby would be here by now but she's not :(
Back is in agony, so are thighs?? Have alot of BH that amount to nothing. Definitely looser bowl movements and also a lot of discharge that smells like seamen(!!) even though not attempted sex in a long while, seeing my midwife again in a bit to have another sweep and see what's going on.
I'm so fed up now genuinely pissed off with the constant pain and being uncomfortable no matter what I do.
Hurry up baby !!!
Interesting you say about discharge mumsy I have just rung th adu about this as today I have had loads of cm thick white/pale yellow blobs every time I go to e toilet and it smells like bleach/semen....lady on the phone was lovely spoke to the MW and said it is totally normal particularly at this point and no need to worry as long as it doesn't start to smell bad then it is normal!! Ah the glamour ��
woke up at 2.30 am for a wee, about 3 am I had the worst period pains, came and went and got stronger, along with stomach getting tight and sharper pains occasionally but mainly just the constant period pain, which made me sick too.
after pacing the room, rolling about it until 7 am it seems to have eased...so frustrating! what even was that?! surely it shouldn't have been that long and intense just for a BH??
advice please Xx
I don't know :( I've given up looking for signs that anything is happening.
It could be early labour blueberry - with my first, things used to start up and then go off again for about 5 days before I was truly in labour. All the pain will be doing something - hopefully it'll all just make the final bit a lot quicker for you xx
It could be early labour blueberry - with my first, things used to start up and then go off again for about 5 days before I was truly in labour. All the pain will be doing something - hopefully it'll all just make the final bit a lot quicker for you xx

yeah I thought that too...cramping is contracting the uterus anyway isn't it so must be working baby down a little further at least.
Difficult to know what's happening when everybody's so different, starting in all different ways. hopefully the sweep on Tuesday will kick start things again X
I've given up getting my hopes up now-just trying to wait it out now. I've had all sorts of emotions but today I feel calm and just ready for him now x
can't believe I'm still writing in this 'waiting for labour' thread. 40+5...yawwwwwwn Xx
I think we're all getting impatient now-but I don't envy you been overdue one bit.
I've had stop start pains for the last 3 days...I try not to get my hopes up when it starts but it's so difficult not to read too much into it. I've had a horrendous nights sleep which again I could read more into as had this with all 4 of my pregnancies the day before I went into labour but I can't see him been born for at least another 3-4 days x

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