Waiting for labour thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2015
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Just like the 'waiting to test' thread in ttc I thought we could have a waiting for labour thread to share any signs that labour might be on the way in the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Whether they're classic signs or not I thought it'd be a bit of fun to pass the time.

Upto now I've had increased Braxton hicks, aching muscles, a lot of pelvic pressure and I'm an emotional wreck-not sure what's related to labour and what's just pregnancy xx
I like this, it's a good idea. think there's a few of us now waiting patiently (or impatiently in my case) for labour.
I've had period style cramping on and off and some shooting type pains but nothing major to report.
I'm wondering because I haven't lost any plug, show or any waters that he's staying put for a while...pfffffft. due 17th April so he's got about 9 days to get a wiggle on..literally! Xx
I've still got ages in comparison to some of the April mums but I've been on knicker watch for a few days hoping that I might lose my plug....nothing! Although I can't remember losing it with my last son either x

**just searched through the forum for my old username and I lost my plug a day after my sweep a few hours before labour started**
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38+1 with my second child. Trying not to over analyse every little sign but it's hard! Lots of BH and period pains. Increased discharge (tmi!) but not a lot else. I hope he comes soon as I don't think my hips can take much more! X

Hello - great idea it means we are talking across months as well which is nice!!

I have a sore pelvis, period type pain, I am losing lots of cm which I think is probably my plug going gradually. Second baby for me too so I am trying not to over analyse but it's hard not to when you want to meet your baby!!

The texts have started....."how are you?", "have you had that baby yet?".........
Increased front and lower back pains
Little one is also under my ribs, op and head in the right places which is causing som odd sensations when trying to do number 2...

On another note mums Tom cats have all of a sudden become very protective and needy again (first tri they wouldn't leave me be, backed off up until now and I go visit and they follow me everywhere and wrap themselves around bump)

Lost some ewcm but the assessment unit reckon it wasn't my plug because I am only 36+4 (explained family history of birthing at this time)
Hope it's not too long for any of us...I'm 36+6 and well ready for him been here.
Everyone thinks I'll go overdue but that's because my last son was overdue but they seem to forget that I've had 2 that were a few days early.
There's just something telling me that I won't get to May but who knows x

It's so difficult not to get excited at the smallest thing xx
I'm 40+1 now.... Had braxton hicks for the past week which have been regular at times but not advanced in strength and then disappeared. I have had lots of period type pains this past few days- feel like I am due on with back ache & pains down legs. Lots of pressure down there!
Ps forgot to add my DS was born at 38+6 and DD born at 40 weeks exactly!
I'm very impatiently waiting too. 39+3 today with baby number 3. Had a sweep yesterday. The outcome from the midwife was very positive and I'm already 3cm dilated.
Doing what I can to go into labour naturally before my induction on Wednesday 13th.

I've been losing my mucus plug for the last week. Random BHs and backache but nothing more. I'm done now. Need this thing out lol x
My milk producing seems to have gone into overdrive...just laid in bed watching fb and noticed the bed is soaked from breast milk.
3 weeks till due date x
Well today I've had Jon stop BH contractions,y hips feel
Like they're splitting apart, my legs have started to go numb,, my back is on spasm and baby has dropped... Hoping labour is still a few weeks away though as I'm o my 35+5
I'm ratty....I've got head and sinus pain and I'm massively irritable x
Nothing fun going on here!

Just a breech baby kicking my hips causing my PGP nothing but grief! :lol:
more cramping today..radiated down both thighs now and to my lower back. I've taken some paracetamol with a hot drink but can't seem to settle in bed. got a banging head too :( 39 weeks today. I've got an antenatal appointment at GP Tuesday and a growth scan at the hospital Wednesday morning. if I last that long...
TMI question so apologies..has anyone else opened their bowels a lot more? I've been having a lot more number 2's, and sometimes it can be quite loose. I was guessing it was the bodies way of 'clearing out' and along with the cramping it naturally moves things along down there doesn't it.
so all in all..still waiting for baby. no loss of plug or waters as of yet, just these uncomfortable cramps like I'm due on Xx
With you on the frequent bowel movements but it is a sign of labour been on the way-especially if they're looser xx
Got loose bowels too but it can also be babies position
Urgh. Hideous nights sleep. Over did it yesterday and my hips were so painful last night. Lots of cramps and BH. Come on baby- out now please!

39 weeks today had some strong cramping yesterday evening after doing some bouncing on my ball but nothing since nights are painful just with turning over and hips and pelvis are painful just with the weight of bump!! All back to normal today home wise so my mum is going to take my daughter to her club and childminder today so I am planning on going to an ante natal exercise class and put the new car seat base into the car feeling energised but I know I need to take it steady too!!
I had a fairly decent nights sleep (for me), last day of the school holidays and my plan is to give the house a good clean whilst I'm not too tired.

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