views on trying again


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi there,
I only have my D&C next Thursday (so its VERY early to be asking this question really) But after lossing a baby does everyone still want to try for another????? or is anyone too scared?????

I was trying for ages and when we finally got a positive test we was crying with delight and so excited!!!! two weeks later my sickness started, it was so bad I was in hospital for a week. Not only was I feeling sick but I was really ill, I slept or was sick all day. My poor husband had to juggle work, kids and house hold duties.
It really was the most unpleasent few months ever (I have got two other children and I did have morning sickness with them but that was nothing to what I had this time round)
As I hit 12 weeks I felt so much better, then had my scan on Wednesday to find out the baby had died. Its like I went through all that illness for nothing and I am scared that if I get pregnant again I will be really ill again then just go and loose it again!!
I really want another baby and the thought of never giving birth or holding a new born baby again rips me apart but can I put my family through this again??? I am 36 and my mum had told me that I am TOO OLD and thats why I was so ill (but surly not)

I would just like to know how long after loosing a baby did anyone contemplate trying again? xxxxxx
I was really really tired this time round, wasn't actually sick but felt like I was going to be constantly and I'm 24 so no I don't think your age has an affect on how sick or well you are x I don't think 36 is 'too old' not nowadays! x it took me 2 and a half years after going through what you're going through to try again but the experience actually split me and my ex-fiancée up and it took me a while to find my OH and be prepared to try again x x it's completely up to you both, when you feel it's the right time, you'll know it inside you. Alot of people will have alot of opinions regardless of when you decide to try x x Good luck sweetheart x
I had a d &c early march I was 11 weeks pregnant and the baby only lived to 6 weeks, so very sad
however you have to be positive as that baby was not well so was not meant to be
me and my partner are trying straight away. well i waited for one period which was fine (not as bad as every1 says after the d&c) so I am eating very healthy at mo and walking lots so trying to do everything right, i fell first month of trying last time so hope it will happen soon for me

and I hope also it happens soon for you

it up to you how u feel however the longer you think about it it might cause more stess.
my friend had a miscarry last year and she waited 5 momths before trying again

I am quite scared this could happen to me again however i am trying to be positive

good luck and let me know how it all goes
Follow your heart sweetie only you and OH know when is right for you two x x x
Hey you know I also MC on 7th April at 6 weeks.....the first few days i was addamant that was it i couldnt go through or put DH and DD through it all again....however after getting head around things and talking it over with DH we decided we def still wanted another baby and that we would carry on trying! So we havent waited for first period, and although Im not charting or anything only checking Ov time on sticks....were not avoiding getting pregnant! Were more relaxed this month with whats happened and of the opinion if it happens this month then great if not we start again next month but I had very mixed feelings and also then felt guilty when I did want to tcc again immediatley!
So like Kirsthar said go with what you feel happy with!
And no disrespect to your mother but Im 38 and DH 40 and were not too old neither are you.....Mc happen for a reason and although at the time I thought it was so unfair....I know there was something wrong with the pregnancy and thats why my body rejected it!

Good luck to you FG and try when you both feel happy to do so....your still a spring chicken me dear ;-) Hugs xxx
Hi Florida Girl, I am also 36 , and will be 37 in July, so definately it's not too old. Many women get MC at any age, it's unfortunately natures way. For me I only stopped constantly crying when I decided to start planing and trying for a baby again, gave back the excitment of working towards a baby again that I had when I was pregnant. I was stroppy , upset mess again for 3 days when my AF arrived after my first period on the 7th april, but then OV comes round again and you pick yourself up, and we have tried again, so fingers crossed.

Everyone is different about when to start trying again, and only you can decide, but of course we would all love to see you back in the TTC room when your ready XX JJ
I have decided that I definatly want another baby (just wish I could garrentee everything will be ok this time round) I am still a mess after what happened at the weekend but the thought of never having another baby just kills me. I seem to be seeing new borns everwhere at the moment and it breaks my heart. I ve been too scared to ask my husband how he fels about trying again (in case he says no) but finally discussed it and he said that he really wants another baby but he does not want to see me go through all this again. He thinks its too early yet to be thinking of another baby but I need something to cling onto at the moment!!!
Soundss as though you are going through all the normal emotions.

As I was going through my mmc DH was talking about trying again and it killed me, about 2 weeks later I decided that I needed to try and figure out what my body was doing again, as my 1st pregnancy was a bit of a miricle.... I am glad that we did not fall that cycle as I don't think that my head was in the right place, and the next cycle I started using OPK's the day after AF finished, and just saw how it went, I did fall that cycle and while over the moon I have also struggled as well...

... I guess what I am trying to say is listlen to your head and heart and take the good days with the rough ones... and do what you feel is right at the time

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