I am so sorry I missed this thread.

Huge congratulations Valentine; tha is absolutely fantastic news :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Take it easy hun :hug: :hug:
valentine said:
I'm still pregnant - did another test this morning (not done one for 10 days!) and it was positive of course and the line was really dark.

Im sorry huni, that made me chuckle to myself. bless you, How many tests have you done so far?

I still have days when it hasn't sunken in. this time next year i will have two! two bums to change, two mouths that will want 3 meals each a day, another load of washing to do. but then i will also have two little children who adore and love me (i hope! lol) and who i adore and love back. :hug:

I understand the feeling where you can't tell people. I hate lieing to people. i used to bend the truth slightly - esp when i had dizzy spells. I just said i had a funny head and didn't go into why i had a funny head!

you could blame the 'extra weight' on the fact you are not doing the same level of exercise you where doing due to your injury! :wink:
Ha! V, I could have written all the above myself! The lazy weekend, tummy ache and talking about baby number 2.

I think I might need iron just I am so so exhausted.

Also, Have you had any actual sickness yet? I havent really but my book says second time mums dont get it as bad.

omg hun im soooooo slow i have just seen this congrats u must be over the moon . and good luck tomo xxx :hug:
I haven't seen this untill now, Congratulations Valentine. Good luck with your new job today!!
valentine said:
I feel frustrated as I'm being a totally cr*p Mum to DD just now. She deserves to be played with and taken for walks and read to etc and apart from doing the basics (nappy changing, food preparation, clearing up and laundry), I'm lying on the sofa watching tv feeling sorry for myself. I've popped her in her cot just now hoping she might sleep as she is just creating chaos and I feel so furious with her (totally unfairly). I feel like my energy has been sapped out of me.

The worst worst thing is that no-one knows how I feel and I don't even feel like anyone has a clue or has guessed (due to new job/bad timing) so I can't talk to anyone. People want to see me or meet up and I just want to hide away as I can't be bothered seeing anyone or having a conversation where I can't be truthful or inadvertently have to lie.

Firstly and most importantly :hug: :hug: :hug:

I could have written that post 10 weeks ago, esp the bit about feeling like a crap mother. I was in tears every night because how I was with Evie - I couldn't even prepare food for her without :puke: She did pick up on it and became very clingy to me for a while. OH was a star though and used to run round after the both of us, she was ok as long as she got 'cuddle time' (which tbh even that I didn't enjoy but of course did it for her).

My advice is that you just have to go with it, it will pass and things will return to normal. Drop out of seeing people for a bit, it won't hurt (and friends are more than forgiving when you eventually tell them the reasons). Forget about household chores and concentrate on you for a little bit :hug:
Just have to say what you're feeling is so normal!! I've found this pregnancy so much harder than my first and my DD is 3 and can do so much for herself! I also still feel strangely disconnected from the baby in some ways because I still have normal everyday life to be getting on with and there aren't many preparations that I need to make for the baby because we have everything from when DD was born!

The hardest thing 2nd time around is the lack of time to just relax and listen to our bodies and rest when we need to because we have our children to look after.

Try and take it easy, and if you don't feel like going out or doing anything then don't! Do what you need to do to look after your daughter and then after that look after yourself - 2nd tri is so much better! :hug:
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hi, i felt exhusted during the first tri with my current pregnancy. When I saw the doc to tell them about my positive pg test she said I looked tired and pale. Anyway I had my booking in appointment with m/w at the hospital when I was 10 weeks, got my blood test forms for the first lot of bloods and they said to get them done anytime from 10 weeks onwards so While I was there I went and got my bloods done. A few days later I get a call from my docs to go and get a presciption for iron tablets as I had a low iron count and I felt so much better when I started them. maby you could be anemic hun xxx
Aww valentine :hug: its very difficult looking after a lively child who wants to play and trash your house and all you want to do is sleep.

I used to have a gate on the lounge door and have all the toys in with me and stephen would play with them while i got a kip with one eye open. Dont feel bad - its nature telling you to slow down a bit and early pregnancy is exhausting withouot ahving kids to look after as well.

Give yourself a break and give some ella duties to your dh when he gets in

Glad you're feeling better.

Re the hot water issue. I work in a repairs dept for a social landlord and we used to lend people tankless water heaters when their immersion heaters/boilers broke. They are a bit bigger than urns so may be better.

(Like this.. but you may want to google more)

http://www.reliancehomecomfort.com/cont ... 6&media=58)
Hey hun sorry I haven't posted on here until now - I just want to say I am over the moon for you :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :hug:

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