Oh I'm so pleased all went well at the scan! Bubs looks very healthy and active
Good luck with telling work! I'm sure they'll all be thrilled for you
What a weekend you have lined up then hey! Good job you're putting your feet up now, I'm sure that'll consume some energy!
Don't worry about the lack of motivation with "doing" things with your daughter. I bet you'll be feeling better in 2nd trimester so you can make up for it then. Plus, this is your time to take it easy before the baby arrives. You'll need lots of energy then!!
What a lovely pic!! I am glad everything went well and baby is looking happy and healthy! Good for you for turning down the new scheme too. Your previous pregnancy and home birth went well, I am sure this one will too!
It is so exciting following your pregnancy - I am beginning to feel broody again!! Gah, I told hubby I would happily stick at one child too!
Good luck with the rest of second tri, I really hope that sickness dies down soon!!!
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