That's great news!!! Lucky you, OH and Ella - I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you hun xxxx
Awwwww wow hun!!!! Many congrats!!!

Uuuber chuffed for you!

and wish you all the best for a safe and happy pregnancy :hug:
Congratualtions!!! Thats brilliant news, dont worry about the bad timing things will work themselves out they always seem to anyway! I was made redundant when i was 10 weeks pregnant so made it pritty hard to get a job but things worked out fine, good luck in ure new job and take it easy!!!! :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations! Over the moon for you all! :clap: :clap: :hug:
OMG I am so so so happy for you. Its amazing!!!!!!!!

When we found outn about little Cally we were in a financial mess, and this wasn't helped by OH not getting any work for ages. But second babies are not too expensive. You use cloth so there's the nappies. If you have another girl clothes will be chesap, if you have a boy there is ebay, the buy and sell on here. Double buggies are not a necessity when baby is teeny, you can put baby in a sling. Seren was 26 months when Cally was born and I have never missed having a double. Don't stress about it hun, it all works itself out.

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