It's completely normal to be so worried about things.. there is a lot to think about but just try and deal with 1 thing at a time and you'll be ok. Having Ella is a great start anyway. If you have a girl you will save loads on buying things. If not and your having a boy then plenty of people around to help out.. I will where possible if your having a boy :D :hug:

oh yeah and FYI I have got to say.. don't judge Foxxi on her avatar.. she is as smexy as her signature jiggler :lol:
It is lovely to see the return of your diary :D

Grrrr I just wrote a big post, then lost it!!! Not a great start!

God, I hate it when that happens :evil:

She did say she'd passed me in the street the other day (we live in a small village with a close community) and wondered to herself when I would be back to see her!

Awwwwwwww isnt that funny

She said she was happy NOT to refer me/flag me up as a pregnant fattie

Yay! that is fantastic, on less thing to worry about :hug:

I do feel bl**dy exhausted though and I'm definitely not imagining that.

That is the worst feeling, even when you dont have a little one to look after

I know things will work out and I need to start being excited and planning but I feel so horribly guilty for letting people down

I know how hard it can be to not feel loyalty to you bosses- especially if they are nice, Im sure they will be pleased for you :hug: but you arent letting anybody down, just getting on with your life. They have families too so they should understand. I bet it happens all the time :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
valentine said:
I've had a really low day today girls. I've shut myself off in the house, cancelled seeing people and feel like just going to bed and sleeping forever. I'm scared as this is how I felt when I had PND when DD was younger.

I feel like I'm in denial about everything. I don't know what the f*ck I'm doing - I'm taking my vitamins, but apart from that its like I'm pretending I'm not pregnant - I've had 2 x brie paninis this week (ok not crime of the century but not something I should be eating lots of) and I'm not eating well at all - snacking on party mix crisps and Flake ice cream tonight for my tea, to give an example.

Our house is a total state and I'm so exhausted I can't bring myself to do anything about it. I need to pull my socks up and get on with everything, but I feel so listless. I said to OH last night, its like I've taken my foot off the gas and when I am not in control, everything falls apart. OH is usually really good but we're unusually busy at the moment with 101 things on at weekends and evenings and everythings just fallen behind. I found DD eating an old raisin with a cat hair on it off the kitchen floor tonight and just felt like the worst Mummy in the world. She eats off the floor all the time (not normally things covered in cats hairs though as the floors are usually clean!), usually hoovering up after her meals once she's dropped everything on her tray, I'm quite relaxed about this kind of thing - but today I just felt awful.

I just feel so low - I don't really understand it. This was a planned pregnancy but I feel like I can't get excited as I've f*cked up so much with my work situation - and if I don't get MA then we'll lose our home, we NEED my income.

Valentine Xxx

you're NOT a bad mum....you're preg again and it's just taking it's toll. for the first few weeks of my pregnancy I was unusually tired, and just let the housework etc get on top of me. But don't worry, it will pass and you'll feel like your old self again real soon! :hug:

Every pregnancy is different hun, and hopefully once you feel better, you can start enjoying this one! :hug:
Hope you're ok :hug: :hug: :hug: and you had a good day today - let me know how it went.
Can't offer any advice re the PND but don't be too hard on yourself
don't be so hard on yourself - I remember how utterly exhausted I was during early pregnancy and i didn't have another LO to look after. I'm sure your MA will be fine. I was in a similar situation to you - changing jobs whilst pregnant and I had no problem getting MA.

Have some :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Valentine congratulations hun!! That is fantastic news!! :cheer: :cheer:

I am so pleased for you, that's fab news. :D Well done, congratulations, and I don't think I have you on Facebook, my name is Dannii Priestman on there. I promise I'll keep quiet about it if you add me! :shhh: xxx
as others have said - the extreme exhaustion of the 1st couple of weeks is awful, especially with anoth LO in tow as you can't just completely slob out when you want to and you feel like you have 2 million and 1 things to do at all times.
It will get better I promise :hug: work will be fine - try not to worry about them for now (easier said than done I know!)
And congratulations - i think it's a girl, and I hear that Sarah is a nice name ... :wink:
Don't feel bad Valentine - so what if the house is a mess. As long as u are feeling ok thats the main thing

Don't worry about things, everything will work out ;)
Big hugs for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: The tiredness will pass. Things will work out hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: And you're a fab mum, gosh you should see my house :oops:
valentine said:
Hi ladies,

Well, phew, I've had an eventful day!

The morning started with me doing another pregnancy test. I know I'm still quite early (6 weeks) but I really don't have many symptoms and like last time, am having problems believing that its really happening. Over the weekend I have been very hormonal, crying at anything and everything but that could be explained away with the worry. I have also been peeing a lot and tired, but again these issues could be psychosomatic. Anyway the pregnancy test was positive, of course.

Anyway, fast forward to 7.30am - this is where it all went wrong. I slipped on the laminate floor on some of DD's discarded fruit and dislocated my kneecap (an old injury, hasn't happened for years). It was really scary as I was on my own with DD (who was luckily in her highchair) and I was lying on the floor and couldn't move with my kneecap sticking right out of the side of my leg. I finally managed to get to the phone and call OH back from his journey to work (luckily he hadn't got far). He came back to help me up from the floor and see to DD and generally sort out what to do next. We went to the docs then she sent us up to A&E where I was luckily seen quickly and we were back home by lunchtime with a set of crutches and me in AGONY. They weren't concerned at all about the pregnancy, despite me asking repeatedly, they just kept reassuring me that the baby was well cushioned and unless I had pain or bleeding there was nothing to worry about. There was no point scanning me as there may be nothing to see yet which would make me feel 100 x worse. So I'm now off work all week, DD is having to stay in childcare as I can barely move and I'm unable to look after her.

It'll be so weird being in the house without DD, but I am looking forward to being physically unable to do the housework and just be able to sleep sleep sleep! I'm always so so busy that although its no fun having this horrendous pain, it'll be nice to have an excuse to recharge my batteries for a couple of days.

Anyway - off to bed for an early night but just wanted to bring you all up to date. I don't feel much happier yet but I think the next few days of r&r might just do me the world of good, give me lots of thinking time and allow me to just chill out.

Valentine Xxx

Sorry you've had a rubbish day :hug: :hug:

I can totally sympathise with the knee thing. I have a genetic disorder that affects my joints which has resulted in my knee cap subluxing many a time. Sodding painful I tell you! Without a toddler running around too. Have you tried a wheat bag for the pain? Really hope it heals up quickly. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww V you poor thing :hug: :hug: :hug: Defo use this as a great excuse to curl up on the sofa and relax! Ella will be loving nursery and i'm sure you'll secretly love the few hours peace and quiet ( i do :shhh: :lol: ) I hope it doesn't cause you too much bother. xxx :hug:
omg valentine!!! how have i missed this :D hugeeee congratulations sweetie!!! :) you are such a fab mummy and i'm so happy you're pg again, i think you should give up your job and be a full time mummy to loads and loads of wee valentines hehe :lol: (if only it were so simple eh :wink:)

as everyone else said - things will always work out, no matter what, i hope you realise this soon and can start enjoying your new little bean :cheer: and ella will be over the moon to be a big sister!!!

lots of love and take care sweetie :hug: get lots of much needed rest this week :hug:
aw valentine - ouch!!

hope you feel better soon, but enjoy resting in the meantime.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:( sorry you are in pain V but try and 'enjoy' the rest. I think some DVDs and duvet days are in need! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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