Valentine honestly i think your reading way too much in the situation over your boss, Im sure they will be fine about it. At least you can get MA, I know its not a fortune but its something!
I hope your morning sickness eases soon you poor thing, it must be very hard to look after a baby, work and be pregnant feel like poop. Hopefully it will clear up soon for you and you get that lovely feeling of vitality within
Hopes you get to tell your boss soon about your pregnancy. And get ot out in the open, I'm sure you'l feel heaps better about it. Seriously though Im sure your bosses wont regret taking you on - how on earth could they, your fabulous!
mrs tommo's right, i'm sure your boss will be fine about it all preggo hormones have got a lot to answer for i think. you've been there long enough now for your company to know how wonderful you are!
your scan pic is soooo cool - i hope you start to feel better soon and begin to enjoy your pregnancy. i think things will improve once you've got everyone told.
Aww V that is so lovely - I TOLD YOU SO LOL but seriously i am dead pleased she was nice about it. Now you can relax and enjoy telling your family and friends!
Hi V - I don't come on that much any more but just noticed your excellent news and wanted to post my congratulations. I'm hoping now that you've told your work you will enjoy your pregnancy and not expect too much of yourself. I remember how tired I was at times and how nervous I was that I was going to make mistakes and you used to always tell me that I would get it right, and I have, and so have you. You have done a wonderful job bringing up DD and you'll do the same with your new bambino, so keep your chin up and stay positive. Can't offer many words about the sickness though, sorry I must say that I'm looking forward to popping on and readin your diary, just like I used to with your first one xx
Ive just saw your post now and wanted to say congratulations to you and Hubby and of course Ella who will be getting a lovely brother or sister, hope you keeping well.
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