Hi V
I'm soo pleased your starting to feel better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

valentine said:
I'm not sure what to do with DD either - I could farm her out to someone but would really like whoever it is not to bring her home again as I'd really like some family time just the 4 of us. Its really important to me, that before anyone else gets to meet the new baby, I want DD to and I don't want anyone else but OH and I to witness that and have those special private few hours. So whoever it is would have to be happy for OH to collect DD, take her home then stay away for a day or so - I'm just not sure if that's unreasonable or not.

Valentine Xxx

I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to have DD then your OH go collect her, I think alot of people will understand that you need some time alone as a family.

Hope you continue to feel better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

PS Jessica Bridesmaid piccys will be with us in a few days.
Hope you feel better soon Valentine.

I know how you feel with the sickness - mine was shocking but then I had hypermesis
Oh, hun :hug: I am sorry that you are having a crappy time :hug: When I was pregnant the thing what helped me with morning (all day for me) sickness was Sprite. Maybe you could try?

I just feel like coming to see you and helping with all the housework while you can get some rest! I would if I lived closer :hug:

Is there anyway how you can have a longer weekend and just lie in bed and read?

Poor you, don't be too hard on yourself! I remember first tri quite clearly and feeling really ill and tired. I used to wonder how on earth people with toddlers managed it!! It is a tough time! If I lived closer I would come and help too!! :hug: :hug: :hug: I know it is stressful when your house is a mess and you have loads of jobs to do (my is permanently like this since having a baby, seriously!! :wink: ) and it is easy for others to say 'just leave it' - but really, unless you have mould growing on anything, just leave it!! Your DD will still love you even if you are not as active and as exciting as a Butlins’ Red Coat. Even snuggles on the sofa together are fun – and remember Cbeebies are your friends!! :cheer: :cheer:

I hope you are feeling a bit better soon - take very good care of yourself! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Just remembering how sick and ill i felt when pg, my manager thought I was terminally ill I looked so bad :shock: :shock: I just looked down at Esme sleeping next to me wiggling her precious little fingers and it brings it all into perspective.... its a crappy time but so so worth it in the end :hug:

Hope the sea bands and preggy pops are the cure you need!
What you describe is how i felt in my first trimester! I cant imagine how much worse it would have been had i had someone else to look after. I hope it eases soon.

Looking forward to your scan!

i wouldnt worry about parents reactions to your pregnancy as long as your happy they'll be to. My mum's not pleased that i want another baby after we're married, but Tally will be about the same age as your DD and i think it's a great age gap.
valentine said:
Its my scan in just under a week (next Monday afternoon) and I think having that will really help. I just want everything out in the open and to have told my work as I feel sick with worry about this.

i was just thinking the same valentine - i think you'll feel much better once its out in the open and you don't have to pretend to be feeling ok when you're tired and sick. i'm sure your work will be fine about it all; they're going to get a good few months out of you yet, and you'll probably start feeling much better soon too :wink:

i hope the next week flies around for you. no overdosing on pregno pops in the meantime! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG congratulations!! Only just noticed you were preg :hug: :hug:

Hun I hope the sickness passes and you can enjoy it :hug:

Good luck with the scan :hug:
Good luck at the scan on Monday but im sure you wont need it and as for being put back every pregnancy is different.

It must be hard trying to keep it a secret and you have done brillantly to get this far i cracked after a few days :lol: try not to let it worry you, just a little bit longer then it will all be out in the open. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't feel bad that your not doing what you want to be doing with dd and around the house you do so much quality stuff with dd im sure she wont even notice if you have a few quiet weeks your growing a baby thats hard work and you need to take it easy so let the housework wait as long as you have clean clothes and clean plates thats al that matters really.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwwwwwwwww look at the new little Valentine :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im so glad everything is well with the baby and you can finally tell people if you want to! I think it will help your feelings of depression to ease a lot when you can be open about the baby hun.

I hope telling work goes well :hug:
aww congrats again sweetie, i love seeing first scan pictures, just think, in no time that will be a little person out in the world :D (i'm getting mega broody again :rotfl:)

try not to worry about your work val, i'm sure they will be very supportive about it :hug:
Lovely pics of ickle babba :D Good luck telling work, I'm sure you'll be relieved when its out in the open :hug:

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