Hi V
I'm soo pleased your starting to feel better
I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to have DD then your OH go collect her, I think alot of people will understand that you need some time alone as a family.
Hope you continue to feel better
PS Jessica Bridesmaid piccys will be with us in a few days.
I'm soo pleased your starting to feel better

valentine said:I'm not sure what to do with DD either - I could farm her out to someone but would really like whoever it is not to bring her home again as I'd really like some family time just the 4 of us. Its really important to me, that before anyone else gets to meet the new baby, I want DD to and I don't want anyone else but OH and I to witness that and have those special private few hours. So whoever it is would have to be happy for OH to collect DD, take her home then stay away for a day or so - I'm just not sure if that's unreasonable or not.
Valentine Xxx
I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to have DD then your OH go collect her, I think alot of people will understand that you need some time alone as a family.
Hope you continue to feel better

PS Jessica Bridesmaid piccys will be with us in a few days.