i was confused why i hadnt seen this in ttc! my lips are sealed but before i do i wanna say CONGRATS!!! xxx
Awww hun let yourself get excited, those things will still be there to worry about later!
Life has away of working itself out eventually. Just from the short time we spent together in Darlington im totally convinced that you'll cope with whatever is thrown your way!
Now walk around happy in the knowledge that you have the best type of secret wriggling around inside you!

Ooooh V are you gonna keep another diary... maybe start it on here and move it to tri 2 once people know about it? :hug:
yay pregnancy diary revival!

Everything will be fine :hug: :hug: :hug: don't worry, things always work out

'The Return of V's Diary!'

P.S. You never call me beautiful! :shakehead:
valentine said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Ooooh V are you gonna keep another diary... maybe start it on here and move it to tri 2 once people know about it? :hug:

Great idea beautiful. It'll really help as I'm totally going mad here with no-one to talk to and 101 thoughts going round my head!

:cheer: Can't wait to read it. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I reckon all your worries are perfectly natural and understandable.
It sounds as if your MW is going to be quite supportive.
Everyone wories about the finances (unless v rich!), I know I do, but you will manage. Maybe it will be a bit tight for a while but the good thing about having 2 quite close together (I imagine) means you can get back on your feet financially a bit sooner.
It WILL all work out, don't stress yourself out.
Take care
awh hun xx
i know how u feel aobut the consultants and that.. i refused to go to mine.. although i said to myself during labor it would be easier if i was lighter.. jsut because of movment.. so b4 i get preg next time i have vowed to lose weight. for me tho.. not coz of anything else.. i had a great home birth.. with the high bmi or not.. and im sure you will to xxx
V. Everything will be just fine for you! :hug:

You're coming to Darlo soon arn't you? :wink:

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