Im putting it back then, cheers Valentine.
We think he was saying bouncy castle but it sounded like arsehole. I wouldnt like to think it was the rude word. :wall:

Im taking mine out because it was a possible naughty word and I dont want to taint this cute thread with my sons potty mouth. Can I just say it sounded like something naughty but I dont know for sure.
This is a nice post!
I will edit later too, I'll get out LO's journal and type it all up.
I made sure to write it all down so I didn't forget anything.
James is just 1 and everything is "dat", while pointing, except the cat which is "cat". He never says mama, but then I never get cuddles either. And he growls when we see a picture of a lion.
I know I'm hijacking but I'm a very proud mummy :cheer:

Even though Flod doesn't say mama or dada discriminantly she will point at her duck in the bath and go DACK! It's just started this week and only for the duck. She also points at the cow on her mobile when I say MOOOOOOO!
Lexi can say:
grandad (gandad)
niki - my bro
Bradley (babwee)- my bro also.
Kai -my youngest brother
Leah - godmother
bye bye
darcy - my sister
theo - our cat
iggle - iggle piggle
spoon (poon)
taa but now developed into taaque
orri (sorry)
bekah (ecka)- her auntie
dirty (ditty)
stink (tink) - with smelly hand gesture :rotfl:
diddy -thats what we call dummies in our house lol

thats all i can think of :rotfl: xx
lauramumof2 said:
I taking mine out because it was a possible naughty word and I dont want to taint this cute thread with my sons potty mouth. Can I just say it sounded like something naughty but I dont know for sure.

Oh I saw it! I thought it was funny and not tainty at all!

Have you seen what my daughter calls her cot?! :rotfl:
Dylan doesn't say that much that makes sense (if probably does to him though), but this is what he can say:

Hiya, ba-ba(bye bye), Mum, GiGi (great gran), bit, Po, Bob (the Builder), Gappy (Grampy). His favourite word is Be (for Ben out of Big Cook Little Cook). He runs to the laptop and shouts Be at it because I started doing in one day waiting for CBeebies website to load up. He drives me mad because he does it all the time and if he wants to tv on he'll stand and shout at that too :D

If we're going out he'll go and bring his shoes for me, he knows when it's time for his bath and starts heading up the stairs, he'll take his nappy and put it in the bin (then try to get it back out again), he brushes his own hair......there's loads more that he does and sometimes he just amazes me with how much he is picking up and doing on his own. He loves music and does the actions to head, shoulders, knees & toes, twinkle twinkle, the wheels on the bus and this is the way we (wash our hair, brush our teeth etc)
No words yet, but Jacob babbles a lot and comes out with "Mummmm" and "Daaaa!" a lot! :D
Jaida is nearly 6 months now and doesn't say anything! She doesn't even coo (there has been times in the past where she will make cooing and raspy sounds alot for a couple of days but then she goes quiet for weeks). It's starting to worry me now :(
As Stanley is a bigger boy he says a lot now but his turn of phrase makes me chuckle.

He's like a little Steve Irwin at the mo, everything is 'wow, that's amazing!', and when I ask if I can change his nappy I get 'Errrrrrr, I don't think so' :lol:
Oliver is 19 months old now and all we get is, Hiya, a noise that *might* be juice, chair, dada, bah for boo, scho for shoe, and rawr and brum and that's it. :(
dad, mum, iss (paris), no, ta, me, dirty, tis it (what is it), doe (dummy)
I really wish I was keeping a record of all these things. I still haven't made her 1st year book :(

But some of her words are (not all pronounced perfectly):

mummy daddy and other family names
gorilla ( :roll: ) giraffe(all the local pets ??!)bear, teddy, bird, pig, cat, dog, bunny (bummy :)) and the accompanying noises
up, down, out, sit down, back (put it back)
door, window, snow, pram, bike, car, train,
man, lady,
hi, bye, yes, no also in German
coat, hat, gloves (glums :) I love that one)
Oh man! when she drops or breaks something
Hallelujah (thanks to x factor clips on Youtube)
dummy, blanket (blanby :) ) book, bottle, more, nappy,
hair, eye, mouth, ear, knee, teeth, but she knows all her body parts even elbow!
dvd :oops: but uses it for CD, DVD, laptop, computer,
money (nummy), spoon, gone, potty (poppy)
Abba, mamma mia :oops: she likes it because it says mamma in it :)
and wee wee for any water on the floor :) she stood in a puddle of rain today and yelled mama!! wee wee!
Oh and Mariah Carey but not sure if that was just a one off. SHe heard some people talking at xmas and came out with it - clear as anything. :D

can't think of any more right now but she is starting to have a go at saying most words she hears.

Asher says almost NOTHING!! He's 16months old. I'm starting to get worried!

He definitely says "hiya" or "iya" a lot! And we think he may have said "dirty" on sunday.
But that's it!

He babbles and makes sounds constantly but none of it makes sense!

When do I start getting worried?

Hi KJ,
Will PM you. haven't contacted you for a while.
I wouldn't worry about Asher. He is probably concentrating on being really cute :) My friend's baby is the same age, 16 months, and she doesn't say anything apart from bye. Mine just took off with words within the last two weeks. She seemed to say the same few things for a while but then suddenly started copying everything after we went on holiday to England.
I am sure he will suddenly start and then it is really hard to get them to be quiet....:
Me: lay down
LO: mama?
ME: lay down and go to sleep
LO: daddy?
etc etc
Lil miss currently says...

English: hiya, bye, yer, no, mumma, pappa, Tia, cat, brum brum (car), quack quack (duck), moo (cow), buck buck (chicken...its the way I make the clucking sound), huggie, tar (thank you), look, tickle, la la la (music), bad (and usually bad cat, bad mummum, bad pappa, bad Tia etc), dandar (gwandma), danpa (gwandpa), was da (whats that :roll: all the time atm), boob, bebe (her favourite dolly), that, this, there... and she'll pretty much take a stab at ny word we pronounce for her in the moment, but I wouldn't say she could say them consistently. :think: She also goes... oooOOOOoooo when she sees something interesting for the first time :rotfl:

Swedish: kaka (biscuit or cake), Skö (shoe) nej (no), yo (yes), tak tak (thank you), tita (look). She may say more but I don't speak Swedish so I've got no idea :lol:

Spanish: Hola, si. She really needs to get into Spanish nursery asap because her Spanish is lacking and she will be going to Spanish school eventually.

Lil miss also babbles away constantly. Currently she seems to speak amazing Arabic or Chinese :rotfl: She really loves talking. :D

DH says that considering Tia couldn't speak until she was 2.5years old and is now one of the worst chatterboxes in her class, he should jump out the window now because between Tia and lil miss he'll go mad... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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