oh no i wish i hadnt read this thread :(

millie hardly says any proper words! she chatters CONSTANTLY, but its still mostly nonsense! and so many of u got much younger babies than her :( worried again now :(
trix, im the same, oliver is hardly saying ANYTHING compared to others here :(
Oh girls, please don't worry - they all develop differently!

Valentine Xxx
Minxy said:
He's like a little Steve Irwin at the mo, everything is 'wow, that's amazing!', and when I ask if I can change his nappy I get 'Errrrrrr, I don't think so' :lol:


I'm too tired to think but Isaac loves saying 'Hoover', emphasis on the V, he loves hoovers :? Ball, and Daddy Bang (he's been doing DIY), and we're sure Ophelia says 'Hiya' :lol:
xJodieLoux said:
Jaida is nearly 6 months now and doesn't say anything! She doesn't even coo (there has been times in the past where she will make cooing and raspy sounds alot for a couple of days but then she goes quiet for weeks). It's starting to worry me now :(

aww dont worry too much, she may be just a thinker, we had a couple of thinkers out of our lot, they just come out with it all of a sudden.x
These sort of threads make me paranoid too. But I'd like to keep a record because I'm always forgetting.

Jack says:-

Mum mum, Da da, Na na
Yeah, No
"Jizzie" (Jessie the cat)
"Ma Ball" (My Ball)
"Aww" (When you're giving him a cuddle)

And yesterday I was trying to get him used to sitting on the potty and he decided to stand up pee on the floor and say..."Good Boy" :rotfl:

Also he tends to point to things when he wants you to tell him what they are.

Nothing off Noah yet but lots of blabbling :lol:
grace is such a good talker that i cant think of all the words she say (she says more than her older brother) on monday when i called them for tea she ran through shouting tea time, then turned to her brother shouting tea time mark. it was sooooooooo cute.
Ja can say.... "Mama", "Dadda", "Iya" (Hiya), "Ba" (Bye) and "Wah" (which I think is "Tia" our dog as he shouts it when she is around :lol: )

I'm not worried about how quickly he learns to say new words, like the others have said all children develop at different speeds. My friends little boy didn't say anything till he was about 2 years old, now you can't shut him up :lol:
New words this week:- 'tea-tie' (tea-time), 'nigh-nigh' (night-night), 'welly', 'dolly'
mama, dadda, nanna, grandad, ryan, mark, granny, daisy, iggle (piggle), baba (baby) emily, tubbies, po, poo-poo, wee-wee, tea, milky, juice, eyes, nose, handy, knee, ears, hair, mouth, teeth, tummy, toes, shoes, bobble, jackeee (jacket), yum yums, hungery, narna (banana), apple, birdies, doggie, bicky (biscuit) moo moo (cow) bahh bahh (sheep), monkey, thats bad!, sorry, good girl, sorry, thankyou, yes, no, night night, orange, yellow, blue, pink, plate, bye byes, hello, hiya, story, beep beep (car) momo (motor/car) choo choo (train) postman pat, pen, paper, book, hat, sock, dance, one, two, three, bottle, cup, blanket, star, sun, moon, flower, tree, money, all-gone!, there it is!, wheres it gone?, peek!, splash-splash (bath) quack-quack (duck) cusion, lay down, up, down, table, telly, tiger,.................

theres probably MILLIONS more, cant think.. in the past week shes started counting and been able to tell you what colour things are. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
tbh tho.. this is all took off big time in the last 2-3 months.. before that she didnt say much at all.

Emily - A-choo (she pretends to sneeze all the time), Hiya, byeee (waves) dadda, yay! (while raising both arms over head)
It is so lovely to read this thread - you can almost hear their little voices saying the words! Freya talks from the moment she wakes, til she goes to bed, not all of it is comprhendable to the 'untrained' ear - but I know what she means!
At 20 months she can say 'Hiya, byeee, mama (said with a french accent....so cute!), dada, Besh (Beth), Harlot (Charlotte) tatie (katie) Nom Nom (Tom her best friend!) Be (Ben), wee'o'wee (when I'm going to the loo), poo poo, thankoo, peease, barf(bath- not vomit!) jew juice, bispys (crisps!) bipet (biscuit), narna (apple, satsuma,, banana), apes, (grapes), eefeeis(clean teeth), upsy aisy (ITNG), akka pakka (ITNG), car, key-keys, cake, napnap, ipes (wipes), bot bot, bed, seepy (sleepy), sit, down, iggy (Ziggy the dog), NO! yes, what?, nana, gangma, ball, book, quack quack, 'mummy coat on', shoes, door (she is obsessed with keys and doors), stop, baby, counts 1 - 10, now (snow), hot and cold, more, and she sings 'l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,lunch-time! from Nck Jr (my two older girls taught her it is so funny! she has just started saying something that resembles love you - in response to me saying it to her, and big hug. oh and last one 'nose' when she needs her nose blowing lol, she recognises all her body parts but doesnt say all of them yet, and she doesnt know all of her animal noises, despite a hundred renditions of old macdonald :rotfl:
I think as a mummy, we hear them say things that to other people are unrecognisable, Freya and I have the oddest conversations sometimes, I'm sure anyone listening in would'nt have a clue, but we know what we are talking about! :rotfl:
Calleigh can say dada, mama, nana, iya (hiya)

She connects the dada with her daddy but the other words she just says.
ds1 talks constantly at the moment, sometimes in proper sentences but usually a mix of babble we don't quite get with 3 or 4 real words thrown in. It's amazing how much we understand though, we realised a few weeks ago we can have a proper conversation with him. He seems so grown up now he talks.

Recently he's decided that if he can't see someone they must be at work. So he spends all day telling me 'Daddy at work. Oh dear. Grandma at work. Oh dear. Papa (Grandpa) at work. Oh dear...' (the cat is quite often 'at work' too :lol: )

He sings all the time too, usually Old MacDonald (he just does EIEIO followed by an animal noise) but more recently the theme to Balamory :oops:

His newest words are (surprisingly) 'snow' and 'snowman'. He's also JUST started calling me mummy which I love :D I've been just plain mum since he started babbling but last week he decided to call me mummy and I was so happy I cried! He got so much attention I've been mummy ever since!
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dada, mumumum, ba ba, hiya etc all babbling really...she doesn't use any of the words in context but it all sounds very cute. :D
newmum said:
I really wish I was keeping a record of all these things. I still haven't made her 1st year book :(

But some of her words are (not all pronounced perfectly):

mummy daddy and other family names
gorilla ( :roll: ) giraffe(all the local pets ??!)bear, teddy, bird, pig, cat, dog, bunny (bummy :)) and the accompanying noises
up, down, out, sit down, back (put it back)
door, window, snow, pram, bike, car, train,
man, lady,
hi, bye, yes, no also in German
coat, hat, gloves (glums :) I love that one)
Oh man! when she drops or breaks something
Hallelujah (thanks to x factor clips on Youtube)
dummy, blanket (blanby :) ) book, bottle, more, nappy,
hair, eye, mouth, ear, knee, teeth, but she knows all her body parts even elbow!
dvd :oops: but uses it for CD, DVD, laptop, computer,
money (nummy), spoon, gone, potty (poppy)
Abba, mamma mia :oops: she likes it because it says mamma in it :)
and wee wee for any water on the floor :) she stood in a puddle of rain today and yelled mama!! wee wee!
Oh and Mariah Carey but not sure if that was just a one off. SHe heard some people talking at xmas and came out with it - clear as anything. :D

can't think of any more right now but she is starting to have a go at saying most words she hears.

new words this week or so: rhino :roll: heavy, penguin (gip pin :) ) Bible, snow, sssssshhh sleep, monkey,water, diaper! Adieu, bye bye man, bye bye lady, bra mummy bra, bra, bra mummy :) shoe, boots,
Nathan didn't say any words till he was 18 months and that was mama.
Now at 24 months after having a couple of months of speech therapy we have some progress.
His clear words are:
Jess (his sister)
he says quite a few words and even puts some together now but they aren't clear
i don't know
up stairs
there's quite a lot more that only i know what he saying so hes made a massive improvement in the last 2 months.
Jude is a great little talker, he never stops! Our HV made a home visit a few weeks ago (sleep problems) and said she couldn't believe his speech and understanding - he speaks in sentences and can follow instructions, counts to 10 and sings nursery rhymes all the time. He has started to say 'pleeease Mummy' if I say no to something and will say thank you when given something if you prompt him.

:oops: Sorry I must sound like I'm boasting but I'm just proud!
To all you ladies that are worried about your little ones, it is ture what they say, all babies are different!
About 8 weeks ago Dan only said a few words. As he was approaching 2 we were beginning to worry, I even had a speech assessment. Almost overnight he just started talking! He nows says so much, can count to 20 and recognises about 10 letters!

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