I really wish I was keeping a record of all these things. I still haven't made her 1st year book
But some of her words are (not all pronounced perfectly):
mummy daddy and other family names
gorilla (

) giraffe(all the local pets ??!)bear, teddy, bird, pig, cat, dog, bunny (bummy

) and the accompanying noises
up, down, out, sit down, back (put it back)
door, window, snow, pram, bike, car, train,
man, lady,
hi, bye, yes, no also in German
coat, hat, gloves (glums

I love that one)
Oh man! when she drops or breaks something
Hallelujah (thanks to x factor clips on Youtube)
dummy, blanket (blanby

) book, bottle, more, nappy,
hair, eye, mouth, ear, knee, teeth, but she knows all her body parts even elbow!

but uses it for CD, DVD, laptop, computer,
money (nummy), spoon, gone, potty (poppy)
Abba, mamma mia

she likes it because it says mamma in it

and wee wee for any water on the floor

she stood in a puddle of rain today and yelled mama!! wee wee!
Oh and Mariah Carey but not sure if that was just a one off. SHe heard some people talking at xmas and came out with it - clear as anything.
can't think of any more right now but she is starting to have a go at saying most words she hears.