

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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there has been one like this before, but im too lazy to root through the old posts to find it :wink:

why did you pick your username?

mine is pretty easy! im Sam, and my beautiful bubba is Alice
OH always calls me his lil princess and my nickname at school was Puddles - there is a reason but its a bit stupid really :think:
do tell :)

I was womble at school (i have no idea why! someone called me it once, and it kinda stuck)
At school where our classroom was there was a dip and when ever it rained a huge puddle would form and quite a few times me & my mate would mess around and she'd end up bottom down in the puddle, so she started off calling me puddles and it kinda gre on everyone :think:....bit lame really
lol Im Alfiesmummy! I was previously fingerscrossed, as i was keeping them crossed for a healthy pregnancy, they worked!
Mines is little*red as im small (5ft 1") and a redhead :D .

Princess_puddles for some reason i would always read your name as princess poodles, i'e only just realised that its puddles and not poodles :oops: :doh: **pregnancy brain**
Mine is my name :lol:
although no one really calls me Donne every one calls me Dee
Well im Flossy as in candy floss and 82 being the year i was born!!! :D
I'm Emmerdale cos when I was at school my friend Tina - (who you may know as TinaOct) used to call me Emmerdale Farm and still does occasionally!!! My name is Emma :)
i'm nic and keeley's keeley :lol:

i used to be princess nic ( i think ) i have a bad memory :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i'm Foxymum coz our surname is Fox & i'm a Mum!!!!

:dance: :dance:
My uni nickname was little minx but I dropped the 'little' when I turned 30 and became a mum.

looking in the mirror lately am starting to think I should drop the minx......... :?
Daggers cause some people call me that (my name is Dagmar).
mines a bit :oops:

When I was younger I used to hangout with a group of guys that my 2 brothers knew (and still do). Miss LaRue is from a Simpsons episode, the one where Homer changes his name to Max Power ('I got it of a hairdryer' :rotfl: ) Anyhoo, at the end he tells Marge he's going to change her name to Chesty LaRue.......well I'm a little bit 'chesty!'. So they would always call me Miss LaRue. These names just kind of stick and 8 years later they still call me it!
When I was working as a diving instructor in Thailand I had a diving T-shirt with this on it:


Recognise it? :lol:

When I found out I was pregnant we started calling the bump "Urchin" and then when we got back to England I started using the name for other stuff too!
I am so-called because when I joined this forum I had just found out I was expecting and was deliriously happy. Sadly things didn't stay that way...but even after such a sad time, life really is good and I have lot to be happy about :cheer:

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